Work Hours and Related Conditions Procedure (MPF1173)

  • Category: Employment
  • Version: 1
  • Document Type: Procedure
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 21 August, 2012
  • Audience: Staff, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 21 August, 2012
  • Review Date: 30 November, 2014
  • Policy Approver: Executive Director, Human Resources
  • Policy Steward: Director, Hr Specialist Services


This procedure is made under the Remuneration, Recognition and Working Conditions Policy.


This procedure applies to all staff at the University.


1. Hours of work for professional staff (Excludes trades & services staff. For information relating to trades & services staff, refer section 7)

1.1    The ordinary hours of work, spread of ordinary hours, working days and variations to working days for professional staff are determined in accordance with clause 56 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010

1.2    The standard hours of work for a full-time staff member are 8.45am to 5.00pm which includes a 1 hour lunch break (i.e. 7 hours and 15 minutes per day).

1.3    Variations to the standard hours of work can occur where an agreement is made between the department and the staff member(s). 

1.4    The department, in conjunction with the staff member(s), must keep records of the start and finishing times for audit purposes. These records will be kept within the department.

1.5    The different standard hours may include arrangements such as flexi time, nine day fortnight or nineteen day month.

1.6    Clause 57 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010 outlines the conditions regarding shift work.

2 Flexible working hours – other than library staff

2.1    The feasibility of flexible working hours is based on cooperation and trust among staff, supervisors, and management.

2.2    Staff levels must be adequate at all times to ensure effective communication and the proper discharge of day-to-day departmental functions and responsibilities.

2.3    Deans or heads of departments should apply for approval to the Executive Director Human Resources if they wish to introduce flexible working hours for their professional staff.

2.4    The following rules apply to flexible working schemes:

  • Staff must record on a formal timesheet arrival and departure times for the start and finish of work, lunch, and any absences on private business, e.g. medical and dental appointments.
  •  staff member working in an area where flexible working hours have been approved may exclude himself or herself from the scheme.
  • Any time worked outside standard hours must be by arrangement between supervisors and staff.

2.5    Core time periods when all staff are required to be on duty (except when on approved leave) are 10.00 a.m. - 12 noon and 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.

2.6    For areas other than libraries flexible time periods are:

  • 7.30 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. (period during which staff may commence work)
  • 12.00 noon - 2.00 p.m. (period during which staff may vary meal break)
  • 4.00 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. (period during which staff may leave work)

2.7    Staff must be present during core time (unless on scheduled or approved leave) but subject to their duties and the consent of their supervisor, are free to elect hours on duty in flexible periods.  

2.8    A maximum of 2 days scheduled leave may be taken per 4 weeks by prior arrangement between supervisor and staff member.

2.9    The settlement period for flexible working hours is 2 weeks; i.e. 72.50 hours must be worked for each fortnight, between the hours of 7.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Up to 1 day debit or credit may be carried over from 1 fortnight to the next.

3 Flexible working hours – library staff

3.1    For staff in libraries, flexible time periods are:

  • 7.30 a.m. - 10.00 a.m.
  • 12.00 noon - 2.00 p.m.
  • 4.00 p.m. - 7.30 p.m.

3.2    For staff in libraries, core time (periods when all staff are required to be on duty, except when on approved leave) are 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon and 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.

3.3    Clause 57 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010 will not apply and a shift allowance will not be payable to staff who work flexi-time and commence work before 7.30am.

3.4    All staff must be on duty during core times (unless on scheduled or approved leave), or unless special permission has been given by the supervisor to vary core time because of special duties required outside of core time.

3.5    A maximum of 2 days may be taken off within one settlement period by staff members who have previously accumulated credit to cover leave.

3.6    A staff member who does not have sufficient previously-accumulated credit carry-over, may take a maximum of 1 day in anticipation.

3.7    Settlement period consists of a 4-week period within which staff must work 145 hours subject to the credit/debit and carry-over provisions.

3.8    Staff members in the Baillieu Library are required to swipe their cards in the time-recording device at the beginning of a work period (i.e. arriving at work, returning from meal break) and swipe their card through the time-recording device at the end of a work period (i.e. leaving for meal break, finishing work).

4 Changes in hours of work or working days

4.1    A staff member's time commitment to the University is established in his or her contract of employment.

4.2    Circumstances such as increased hours to meet seasonal work demands, or to compensate for the absence of another staff member may dictate a change to a staff member's time commitment.

4.3    The University has a scheme for fractional or part-time employment prior to retirement (see Leaving the University Procedure). Approved staff participating in this scheme may continue superannuation contributions at the full-time rate as detailed in the Superannuation Procedure.

4.4    A staff member may negotiate with their head of department to increase or decrease their time commitment.  

4.5    Increases must be approved by a level 2 delegate but only where funds are available.

4.6    Changes to a staff member’s time commitment must be approved by the staff member and may be made on a continuing basis, or for a specified period.

4.7    A Time Fraction Change form, approved by a level 2 delegate must be submitted to the local HR consultant with the following information:

  • the name, employee number and title of the staff member
  • the date of the first day of the change in time commitment
  • if applicable, the date of the last day of the period to which the change applies
  • the number of the University position the staff member occupies and
  • the specific details of the alteration.

4.8    The level 2 delegate should consult with the head of budget division if there are budgetary consequences.

4.9    Where there is a change in time commitment, a manager, when re-negotiating the employment contract, may require the staff member to nominate a retirement date, if relevant to the particular situation. A change in time commitment means a change in the employment contract.

4.10  A staff member who works less than full-time, may negotiate with their supervisor to change their actual working day(s) or the number of hours actually worked on their existing working days, provided there is no overall increase or decrease in their overall time commitment. Such changes may be made on a continuing basis, or for a specified period and must have the staff member's approval.

4.11  The information required regarding a change in working days must be submitted to the local HR officer on the Time Fraction Change form, with the supervisor's (level 1 delegation) approval.


5 Overtime provisions

5.1    Overtime provisions are determined in accordance with clause 58 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

5.2    All overtime must be approved by a level 2 delegate or above, prior to the staff member working any extra time.

5.3    Overtime should be processed by the department through Themis Self-Service.

5.4    A member of professional staff is eligible to be paid for overtime worked at the relevant overtime rate, when they are directed to work over and above the ordinary number of weekly hours in accordance with the overtime provisions, and their substantive classification is at or below HEW level 6.

5.5    Overtime is payable to casual professional staff at HEW level 6 or below, in respect of work in excess of 7.25 hours on one day. The staff member will receive the greater of the overtime rate that would apply to overtime worked on that day by an equivalent full-time staff member or the casual loading, but not both.

5.6    Any additional hours worked in excess of 7.25 hours per day, where the casual is being paid at HEW level 7 or above, will be paid at time and a half with the casual loading.

5.7    The rates at which a professional staff member (excluding trades and services staff), who is eligible for paid overtime, will be paid for all work performed in excess of or outside the ordinary hours is outlined in clause 58.7 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

5.8    Time off in lieu (TOIL) and return to duty provisions are determined in accordance with clause 58 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

5.9  A professional staff member who is directed to work over and above the ordinary number of weekly hours and whose substantive classification is at or above that of HEW level 7 will be eligible to claim time off in lieu (TOIL) calculated at one and a half times the actual hours worked.

5.10  The staff member must document the hours worked, provide these details to their supervisor within five working days and discuss with their supervisors their arrangements for taking time off in lieu.

5.11  A travelling allowance will be payable if a staff member who is eligible to receive an overtime payment, is directed to work overtime and to start and/or finish at times when the usual means of transport between the home and place of work is not available.

5.12  The travelling allowance will be equal to the difference between the normal cost of the travel and the cost incurred through the use of a reasonable alternative means of transport.

5.13  Professional staff members who are not eligible to receive payment for overtime, will be reimbursed for all reasonable travelling expenses incurred if directed to work other than their ordinary hours of duty.

5.14  Professional staff required to work beyond 9.00 pm are entitled to take a taxi home, if they would otherwise have to travel home by public transport, or for whom no safe option for transport home exists. Taxi vouchers are available on request to the head of department, otherwise a staff member will be reimbursed for the cost of the taxi fare on presentation of a receipt.

5.15  Meal and tea breaks are in accordance with clause 55 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

5.16  Time taken as a meal break must be clearly indicated in Themis HR or on the Payroll Adjustment form and not included when an overtime payment is assessed.

5.17  Local work areas may agree to vary the timing of meal and tea breaks to maximise operational and personal flexibility.

6 Additional work for full-time professional staff and research assistants

6.1    Subject to the approval of the head of department where the staff member is employed, full-time professional staff and full-time research assistants may undertake additional casual work:

  • in other departments of the University
  • in their own department, where that work is not part of their normal day-time duties.

6.2    The duties of the position to which the staff member is appointed take precedence over the additional work, and the work undertaken will normally be outside the ordinary hours of work. Staff cannot be directed to undertake additional casual work under these arrangements.

6.3    Staff will be paid for additional casual work at either:

  • the casual rate appropriate to the duties being undertaken
  • a rate approved by University Council for the work undertaken (eg. conferring ceremonies).

6.4    If additional work is required, and full-time professional staff are directed to undertake it, those staff members must be paid overtime rates if they are classified at HEW level 6 or below.

6.5    A staff member who undertakes additional casual work must be given a Contract of Employment for Casual Staff form, which specifies the type of employment and informs the employee of the term of engagement at the time of the appointment.

7 Trades and services conditions - Property and Campus Services staff only

7.1    In addition to any other allowances outlined in this procedure, professional staff employed by Property & Campus Services may be entitled to the allowances listed in Schedule B of the Higher Education Industry – General Staff – Award 2010 at the rates prescribed in that Award.

7.2    Schedule 2 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010 outlines the provisions which apply to the following professional trades and services staff employed in the Property and Campus Services (PCS): builders, carpenters, labourers, electricians, electrical mechanics, gardeners or horticultural technicians, mechanical / electrical technicians, painters, plasterers, plumbers and trades assistants.

7.3    The ordinary hours of work and spread of ordinary hours for professional trades and services staff are as per clause 3 of Schedule 2 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

7.4    Overtime and time off in lieu (TOIL) provisions as per clause 4 of Schedule 2 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

7.5    Where the University requires a staff member to work overtime, a 10 hour break will be provided, wherever reasonably practical, prior to the next ordinary period of duty without loss of pay.

7.6  Call out rates will be paid to staff eligible under Schedule 2, Clause 5.1 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010 for all work performed outside the ordinary hours prescribed and calculated on a daily basis.

7.7  A staff member who is eligible under Schedule 2, Clause 5.1 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010 and who is required to hold him or herself in readiness to work after ordinary hours shall be paid a standing by allowance (Schedule B - Professional Staff Salaries and Rates of Payment).

7.8  Professional staff employed by PCS may also be entitled to the allowances listed in Schedule B of the Higher Education Industry – General Staff – Award 2010 at the rates prescribed in that Award.

7.9    Clauses 6 and 7 of Schedule 2 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010 provide other conditions regarding licenses, registration and tools.

7.10  The 9-day fortnight and 19-day fortnight are available for the professional staff as listed within the following sections:

  • The following trades and services staff employed on the Parkville campus may work under a nine-day fortnight arrangement. The objective of this arrangement is to ensure a more flexible local rostering system which will enable the needs of the client to be better met.




electrical mechanics


electrical/ mechanical technicians




trades assistants



  • Gardeners and horticultural technicians will work a 19 day month in accordance with existing local arrangements.

7.11  Managers of staff working under a nine-day fortnight arrangement will finalise a yearly roster in consultation with staff members prior to the end of the current year roster:

  • the banking and use of rostered days off (RDOs) to a maximum of 2 days, will be by agreement between the manager and the staff member
  • managers, after consultation with the staff member concerned, will be able to re-schedule RDOs to suit the operational needs of the University
  • staff members, after consultation and agreement with their manager, will be able to change RDOs due to personal circumstances
  • except for exceptional circumstances, managers or staff members should provide at least 5 working days notice prior to any proposed changes to RDOs.

8 Workload management

8.1    Workloads for all staff will be determined in accordance with clause 51 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

8.2    Heads of budget divisions, in consultation with the heads of department in the budget or equivalent and other staff in the budget division, will develop and implement a workload model:

  • that reflects the work undertaken by the area
  • is consistent with the seven workload principles within clause 51.2 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010
  • includes a method of calculating comparative workloads of staff
  • is regularly reviewed and forms part of the Performance Development Framework review and feedback discussions.

8.3    The Workload Advisory Committee has produced guidelines to further assist with developing an effective academic workload model: Principles for an Effective Academic Workload Allocation Model.

8.4    Clause 51.6 provides a guideline to maximum annual hours of academic work. Allocated hours in this context are hours that the University directs the staff member to work, including any hours the staff member would reasonably require to undertake any research or scholarly activity directly related to the staff member’s appointment at the University.

8.5    Prior to the start of each semester or summer term, an academic staff member and their supervisor will discuss:

  • the number of teaching contact hours per week required of the staff member during that teaching period and
  • the proportion of research, teaching, knowledge partnership activities and leadership and service activities expected of the individual in that teaching period.

8.6  An academic staff member may have one standard teaching period per calendar year free of teaching (other than postgraduate supervision), provided that

  • the staff member uses that time for research relevant to the staff member’s discipline area
  • the operational requirements of the staff member’s budget division can reasonably be met.

A standard teaching period is limited to the standard semesters of an academic year (semester 1 and semester 2) and the summer term.

8.7    Academic budget divisions are to develop discipline-specific workload models that accord with clause 51 and with the University’s guidelines - Academic Workload Models: Guidelines for Faculties and Graduate Schools - as amended from time-to-time.

8.8    Heads of budget divisions will certify, in accordance with the University's annual certification of accounts process, that the budget division’s workload management model is consistent with the principles outlined in clause 51 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

The certification will include a description of how the workload principles have been applied.

8.9    The process for addressing staff concerns about workloads is set out in clause 52 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

8.10  The role and membership of the Workload Advisory Committee, which will meet at least four times a year to monitor workload regulation, and provide a central point of reference for advice on the development of budget division workload models is set out in clause 53 of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.




The Executive Director, Human Resources is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this procedure.


The Director, HR Specialist Services is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this procedure in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this procedure should be directed to the Implementation Officer.


This procedure is to be reviewed by 30 November 2014.



Authorised by

Approval Date

Effective Date

Sections modified


Senior Vice Principal

21 August 2012

21 August 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.