Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campuses Policy (MPF1260)

  • Category: Health and Safety
  • Version: 6
  • Document Type: Policy
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 10 August, 2023
  • Audience: Staff, Students, Research, Academic, Affiliate
  • Effective Date: 04 December, 2023
  • Review Date: 07 May, 2024
  • Policy Approver: Vice-President Administration & Finance And Chief Operating Officer
  • Policy Steward: Director, Health And Safety
  • Supporting Process:

    Health and Safety Processes

1. Objective

1.1. The objectives of this policy are to:

a) outline the University’s commitment to providing a smoke-free work and learning environment; and

b) establish the University’s position on promotional or investment relationships with the tobacco industry.

2. Scope

2.1. This policy applies to all University:

a) controlled buildings, grounds and property;

b) owned or controlled vehicles; and

c) income and investment streams, including venue hire.

3. Authority

3.1. This policy is made under the University of Melbourne Act 2009 (Vic) and the Vice Chancellor’s Regulation and supports compliance with:

a) Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic);

b) Tobacco Act 1987 (Vic); and

c) National Tobacco Strategy 2012–2018.

4. Policy

4.1. The University is committed to providing a safe and healthy campus environment free of passive smoking risk for staff, students, contractors, honoraries and visitors.

4.2. While the University recognises an individual's right to smoke and consume tobacco products, the University is committed to minimising the smoking-related and tobacco-related harm to all persons who attend the University’s campuses.

4.3. Smoking is prohibited:

a) in University vehicles;

b) in University-controlled buildings;

c) on University-controlled grounds and property, except for those areas established as designated smoking areas; and

d) in University residences.

4.4. The University is committed to establishing and maintaining a campus environment that is free from promotion and encouragement of smoking and tobacco consumption for its employees, students, contractors, honoraries and visitors.

4.5. Smoking and tobacco advertising, promotion and sales are prohibited in or on University-controlled property and buildings.

4.6. The University does not hire any of its venues or spaces to the tobacco industry or for any event that promotes the use of tobacco. The University maintains income streams that are free from the influence of tobacco industry funding.

4.7. The University does not accept funding from the tobacco industry for any purpose, including:

a) research;

b) learning and teaching;

c) student awards; and

d) gifts and sponsorship.

4.8. The University does not invest directly in companies directly involved in the tobacco industry.

5. Procedural principles

Smoke free campuses

5.1. Staff, students, contractors, honoraries and visitors are prohibited from smoking:

a) in University-owned or controlled vehicles;

b) in University-controlled buildings; and

c) on University-controlled property, except for those areas established as designated smoking areas.

5.2. The Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer ensures entrances to University campuses are adequately signed (taking into account the likely use of the entrance) with information about the University’s smoke-free status.

Designated smoking areas

5.3. The Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer may establish designated smoking areas at each University campus.

5.4. The Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer must take into account the following requirements when establishing designated smoking areas to provide:

a) minimum distance of five metres from any building entrance, operable window or air intake;

b) minimum distance of 10 metres from any dangerous goods storage or delivery area;

c) reasonable protection for non-smokers from environmental tobacco smoke likely to emanate from the designated smoking area;

d) reasonable access for smokers located on the campus;

e) adequate signage; and

f) information about smoking cessation assistance programs.


5.5. The Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer, or delegate, may approve written requests for temporary exemptions to this procedure after taking into account:

a) compliance with the Tobacco Act 1987 (Vic);

b) provision of reasonable protection for non-smokers from environmental tobacco smoke; and

c) the need for the exemption.

University-owned property outside the control of the University

5.6. The person responsible for approving new leases, licences and other permission to use University space must include provisions restricting the occupants of the space from smoking and/or selling tobacco products.

Standard contracts

5.7. General Counsel must ensure that standard agreements include reference to the Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campuses Policy.

Smoking cessation support

5.8. The Director, Wellbeing Services must ensure smoking cessation information and resources are available to support staff and students.


5.9. Students persistently breaching the Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campuses Policy may be subject to action under the Student Conduct Policy (MPF1324).

5.10. Staff persistently breaching the Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campuses Policy may be subject to action under the Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy (MPF1328).

5.11. Contractors persistently breaching the Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campuses Policy may be required to leave the campus or may be subject to an action for breach of contract.

5.12. Visitors continuing to breach the Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campuses Policy after being requested to desist may be required to leave the campus by campus security.

6. Roles and responsibilities






Conditions and limitations

Ensure entrances to the University’s campuses are adequately signed with information about the University’s smoke-free status


Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer


Taking into account the likely use of the entrance


May establish designated smoking areas at each University campus


Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer


If a designated smoking area is established, the requirements in section 5.4 must be taken into account.

May approve written requests for temporary exemptions to this policy


Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer


Before approving written requests for temporary exemptions to this policy, the criteria in section 5.5 are to be taken into account


Include provisions restricting occupants of the space from smoking and/or selling tobacco products


The person responsible for approving new leases, licences and other permission to use University space




Ensure standard agreements include reference to the Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campuses Policy


General Counsel




Ensure smoking cessation information and resources are available to support staff and students


Director, Wellbeing Services




7. Definitions

Smoking means the inhalation and exhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco. For the purposes of this policy, smoking also refers to:

a) any method of consuming by combustion/smoking of plant material, herbs, or drugs (licit or illicit) using any utensil or apparatus including cigarettes, pipes or cigars;

b) the use of e-cigarettes; and

c) the use of chewing tobacco.

Gift means the same as defined under the Gift Policy (MPF1348).

Sponsorship means the same as defined under the University Naming and Memorial Policy (MPF1201).

Student award means the same as defined under the Establishment and Award of Student Awards Policy (MPF1062).

Tobacco industry means organisations directly involved in the production, manufacture, marketing and/or promotion of tobacco and related products.


Vice-President Administration & Finance and Chief Operating Officer


Director, Health and Safety


This policy is to be reviewed by 7 May 2024.





Authorised by


Approval Date


Effective Date


Sections modified


Senior Vice Principal

28 June 2012

28 June 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.


Vice Principal Administration and Finance & CFO

23 June 2016

21 July 2016

New version arising from the Policy Consolidation Project, consolidating the Smoke-Free and Tobacco Free Campuses Policy and the Smoke-Free Campuses Procedure (MPF1261).



7 March 2019

19 August 2019

Changed Policy Approver to Vice-President (Strategy & Culture) (previously Vice-Principal, Administration and Finance & CFO).


Vice-President (Strategy & Culture)

16 August 2019

19 August 2019

Editorial amendments to correct minor errors or align with the University’s policy style guide.
Updated sections 5 and 6 to reflect Chief Operating Officer portfolio changes.


Director, Health and Safety

14 April 2021

7 May 2021

Updated Policy Steward role title. Amended inter-policy reference to conform to style guide. Inserted changes consequent to new Gift Policy. Major review deferred to 2024.


Vice-President Administration & Finance and Chief Operating Officer


10 August 2023

4 December 2023

Updated policy approver to Vice-President Administration & Finance and Chief Operating Officer.