Remuneration, Recognition and Working Conditions Policy (MPF1223)

  • Category: Employment
  • Version: 4
  • Document Type: Policy
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 25 September, 2020
  • Audience: Staff, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 25 September, 2020
  • Review Date: 30 November, 2014
  • Policy Approver: Executive Director, Human Resources
  • Policy Steward: Director, Hr Specialist Services



This policy applies to all continuing and fixed term staff of the University with the exception of those staff covered by the University's Executive Remuneration Framework.


1. General

1.1       The University remunerates staff in accordance with legislative requirements, University policy and the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

1.2       Remuneration includes salary, superannuation and other benefits.

1.3       The terms and conditions of employment are agreed in writing between the University and the staff member prior to the staff member’s commencement in a position.

2 Salary

2.1       Salary rates are determined by the relevant industrial agreement and by University policies, or as otherwise approved by the Vice-Chancellor.

2.2       Salary increases are negotiated and determined as part of the Collective Agreement or as otherwise approved by Council.

2.3       Incremental salary progression within a classification scale is only payable upon satisfactory performance as defined in the Performance Development and Review Procedure.

2.4       Professional staff and members of the Senior Administrative Service may be eligible for performance bonus payments if assessed as outstanding in their performance review.

2.5       Salary overpayments and underpayments will be corrected in accordance with the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure.

3 Superannuation

3.1       The University requires all staff members to join an appropriate superannuation plan as a condition of employment.

3.2       Staff will join the particular plan appropriate to their type of employment, the funding source of their position and the actual contract of employment conditions.  Eligibility conditions are set out in the Superannuation Procedure.

3.3       UniSuper is the current superannuation fund prescribed under the Collective Agreement.

3.4       Current members of other superannuation schemes may continue in these schemes while employed at the University subject to compliance under the Deed of Covenant for the 5% flexibility of coverage and contribution level. Local HR staff must take advice from HR Specialist Services Superannuation Team before committing to any other scheme through an employment contract agreement.

4 Loadings

4.1       The University applies an annual leave loading to the base salary for all staff in accordance with the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010 or as a particular individual contract specifies.

4.2       The University may provide a non-superannuable loading associated with an office or role undertaken by a staff member in accordance with the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure.

4.3       Council determines clinical loading amounts on the recommendation of the Executive Director, Human Resources.

5 Flexible remuneration packaging

5.1       All staff (excluding casuals) may participate in flexible remuneration packaging (FRP) as allowed under the Collective Agreement and in accordance with the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure.

5.2       The University reserves the right to review and amend the FRP at any time and will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by a staff member as a result of such changes.

5.3       Should legislative or other changes result in an increase in the costs of FRP to the University, the University may elect to discontinue remuneration packaging from the operative date of that change, unless the staff member pays the additional cost, in which case the University will continue the remuneration packaging option.

5.4       An annual administration fee may apply on specific benefits.

6 Overpayments

6.1       Where an overpayment has been made to a staff member, there is a shared responsibility on the part of the staff member, the relevant department, Human Resources and the University to effectively resolve the issue and recoup the overpayment.

7 Allowances and reimbursements

7.1       The University may pay a range of allowances to eligible staff and work related expenses incurred by staff as documented in the Collective Agreement.

7.2       The University may reimburse a range of expenses incurred by staff for work purposes.

8 Hours of work and workload management

8.1       The University will set standard hours of work for professional staff in accordance with the Collective Agreement.

8.2       The University will determine workloads for academic staff in accordance with the Collective Agreement and in accordance with the discipline-specific workload model of the staff member’s faculty or graduate school.

8.3       At the University “academic work” is comprised of the following components:

  • research
  • teaching
  • external engagement (including knowledge partnerships), and
  • leadership and service activities.

8.4       A head of department may agree to a staff member working flexible work hours which are different from the standard hours documented in the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010.

9 Outside work, directorships and board membership

9.1       In certain limited circumstances the University supports its staff undertaking paid outside work in a private capacity in addition to their University duties. Procedures relating to outside work are set out in the Outside Work Procedure.

9.2       This policy applies to work undertaken as an individual or as a member of a partnership, company or any other entity which provides goods and or services. It does not apply to work undertaken when the University enters into a contract to provide goods or services to which a staff member may be assigned.

9.3       Professional staff may undertake paid outside work for private gain outside business hours provided it does not compromise the staff member’s commitment to the University. In exceptional circumstances, paid outside work within normal working hours may be approved, provided that the operational efficiency of the unit is not affected and the time commitment to the University is not compromised.

9.4       No academic or professional staff member may, without approval, become a director of a public or private company or organisation (other than those which are of a charitable or non-profit nature, or formed to deal solely with private affairs). The staff member should seek approval if there is any conflict of interest between the work for the University and the board membership.

9.5       A full-time academic staff member may be granted special leave to undertake work as a consultant for the United Nations and its specialised agencies or other national or international bodies.

10 Recognition programs

10.1       Outstanding contribution and service will be recognised by the University through various Medal and Award Programs which are an essential part of our commitment to attracting, recognizing and retaining quality staff. 

10.2       The Total Rewards Program consists of a range of strategies designed to recognise and reward the exceptional contributions of staff. Details are available at the following links:

10.3       Bronze 25 year service medal – when a professional staff member has 25 years or more service to the University, they will be honoured for that service by the award of a bronze medal.

10.4       A silver or gold medal will be awarded for exceptional service. 





Accident make-up pay

A payment of an amount being the difference between the weekly amount of compensation paid to the staff member pursuant to the Act and the staff member's ordinary rate of pay (excluding additional remuneration by way of shift loadings, overtime payments, special rates and other similar payment). Where the incapacity is for a lesser period than one week then the accident make-up payment will be the difference between the amount of such compensation and the rate of pay for that period.


The Executive Director, Human Resources is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this policy and any associated procedures and guidelines.


The Director, HR Specialist Services is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this policy in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this policy should be directed to the Implementation Officer.


This policy is to be reviewed by 30 November 2014.



Authorised by

Approval Date

Effective Date

Sections modified


Senior Vice Principal

21 August 2012

21 August 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.

2 Vice-Principal Administration & Finance 21 May 2015 4 Jan 2016 Fix broken links in sections 1.1, 10 and Related Documents.
3 Policy Officer     New version created in error.
4 Policy Officer 25 September 2020 25 September 2020  Updated terminology under 'Scope' from Senior Executive Remuneration Framework to University's Executive Remuneration Framework.