Transfer, Secondment and Exchange Procedure (MPF1220)

  • Category: Employment
  • Version: 2
  • Document Type: Procedure
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 21 January, 2014
  • Audience: Staff, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 21 January, 2014
  • Review Date: 28 February, 2015
  • Policy Approver: Executive Director, Human Resources
  • Policy Steward: Director, Hr Specialist Services


This procedure is made under the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.


This procedure applies to all staff.


1. Transfer

1.1  A staff member who wishes to apply for a temporary transfer will first discuss the matter with the releasing department and the recipient department, or, if the transfer is to be within the same department, with the departmental and section heads.  If approvals are given by both the releasing and receiving departments the head of department of the recipient department will complete the offer details in the e-recruitment system as if for a new appointment.

1.2  A transferring staff member will complete the Advice of Transfer form and arrange for the form to be approved by the head of department of the releasing department. For temporary transfers, this form will also confirm details of the position to which the employee will return at the end of the transfer.

1.3  The head of budget division may approve a permanent or temporary transfer of a professional staff member

1.4  Contracts of employment will be issued by local Human Resources once both the offer details have been completed and approved and the approved Advice of Transfer form has been received.

1.5    The head of budget division may approve the permanent or temporary transfer of an academic staff member up to level D.

1.6    Where a chair falls vacant and a professor by promotion is available to fill it, the dean on behalf of the faculty may recommend to the President of the Academic Board and the Provost that the vacant chair be filled by transfer. The Provost on advice of the President of the Academic Board may approve the transfer of a level E staff member to a Chair.

1.7    Where a staff member is to be temporarily or permanently appointed to a position of higher classification, the head of department of the recipient department will comply with any relevant procedures set out in the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment of Staff Procedure.

1.8    A staff member who transfers will not be subject to an additional probationary period if they have already completed a probationary period within the University. A head of department may require a probationary period if the type of employment is significantly changed.

2. Secondment

2.1    A head of budget division may approve a secondment into and out of the University.

2.2    A head of budget division may not approve a staff member’s secondment out of the University if that staff member has excessive annual leave or long service leave unless arrangements are made to reduce the leave either prior to or during the secondment period.

2.3    A staff member wishing to arrange a secondment out of the University, after consultation with the head of department and local Human Resources Consultant, will obtain the information detailed in section 2.5 together with the pro forma secondment agreement and submit to the host organisation for preparation of a secondment agreement.

2.4    A prospective secondee to the University will liaise with the head of budget division and local Human Resources to arrange for the secondment and will obtain the information detailed in section 2.5 and submit to local Human Resources for preparation of a secondment agreement.

2.5    The written secondment agreement will contain the following information, or the staff member will ensure the written secondment agreement provided by the host organisation contains the following information:

  • name, title and address of the secondee
  • the name and address of the host organisation
  • the date of the first and last day of the period of secondment
  • a position description outlining the duties that the secondee will perform while on secondment including the name of the secondee's immediate supervisor
  • the manner in which employee payments are to be treated
  • details of the position to which the secondee will return (if it is a different one to the position being vacated)
  • the terms and conditions the employee will be employed under (including leave positions)
  • intellectual property clauses
  • details on termination of contract
  • how early termination will be handled
  • how unsatisfactory performance will be handled.

2.6    Pro-forma agreements for secondment out and secondment in are available on the Human Resources website.

2.7    If the secondment involves a release teacher from the Department of Education, the staff member responsible for preparing the secondment agreement will notify the local Human Resources Consultant who will advise of additional special conditions and costs.

2.8    If agreement cannot be reached, the secondment will not proceed and the staff member may consider applying for leave without salary.

2.9    The staff member responsible for preparing the secondment agreement, after obtaining content approval from the local Human Resources Consultant for the agreement, will arrange for the host or releasing organisation to sign the agreement.

2.10  The signed agreement must be forwarded to the local Human Resources Consultant who will arrange for the seconded employee to sign the agreement before distributing it to all parties to the secondment agreement.

2.11  A staff member who is seconded out of the University will continue to be paid by the University and Human Resources Chancellery and Specialist Services will invoice the host organisation for reimbursement, including all associated on-costs.

2.12  Where the host organisation proposes to pay all costs of employment directly to the employee, it is not necessary to proceed by way of secondment. The staff member must arrange to take leave without salary in accordance with the Leave Without Salary Procedure.

2.13  The head of department may arrange to fill the vacated position with a fixed-term appointment for the duration of the secondment.

2.14  The head of department and the staff member may agree that at the end of the period of secondment the staff member will not return to his or her previous position, but to another position of equivalent classification.

2.15  In the circumstances in section 2.13 the releasing department must ensure that such a position will be available at the end of the period. The vacated position may then be filled on a continuing full-time or part-time basis.

2.16  The releasing organisation will continue to pay the seconded individual’s salary plus associated on-costs, and invoice the University for reimbursement.

2.17  If the releasing organisation grants the individual an unpaid absence for the stated period, the University pays all costs, the employee is appointed to the University and normal appointment policy and processes must be followed.

2.18  An individual seconded into the University will have no expectation of further employment at the University when the secondment period reaches its end date.

2.19  Where the seconding department wishes to give the secondee access to the University IT facilities, the supervisor will complete an IT Access Application form and submit to the head of department for approval after the commencement of the secondment and forward to local Human Resources.

2.20  A staff member will obtain travel insurance or expatriate insurance for work-related overseas secondments in accordance with the University’s Travel Policy and Travel Procedure.

3. International exchange

3.1    A staff member seeking an exchange with staff from another overseas University will, after consultation with his or her head of department, submit a proposal to the head of budget division for approval.

3.2    The head of budget division may approve a staff member’s proposal for international exchange.

3.3    A payment from divisional or departmental funds may be approved by the head of budget division or department for fares and living away from home expenses for the staff member only, on an approved international exchange.

3.4    The staff member may elect to be paid up to half their normal salary as a travel allowance, subject to indemnity and appropriate adjustments (for superannuation or other purposes).

  • The travel allowance component may be paid in a lump sum up to six weeks before departure date (staff members electing to be paid a travel allowance should take into account the tax implications of this arrangement).
  • Staff members will observe University and Australian Taxation Office requirements for the documentation and recording of activities and expenses.

3.5    For the duration of the exchange the staff member will remain an employee of the University and, unless alternative arrangements are made, will continue to receive their salary from the University and accrue leave entitlements.

3.6    A staff member will obtain travel insurance or expatriate insurance for work-related international exchange programs in accordance with the University’s Travel Policy and Travel Procedure. [LINK]

3.7    Upon completion of the exchange the staff member is required to serve the University for a period at least equal to the length of the exchange. The whole or part of any allowance paid by the University in relation to the exchange may be required to be repaid to the University should the required period not be served.

3.8    Sponsorship of the person visiting the University should be arranged through local Human Resources.



The Executive Director, Human Resources is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this procedure and any associated guidelines.


The Director, HR Specialist Services, Human Resources is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this procedure in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this procedure should be directed to the Implementation Officer.


This procedure is to be reviewed by 28 February 2015.


Version Approved By Approval Date Effective Date Sections Modified
1 Senior Vice-Principal 21 Aug 2012 21 Aug 2012 New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.
2 Senior Vice-Principal 21 Jan 2014 21 Jan 2014 Update to broken links to 'secondment in' and 'secondment out' proforma agreements in section 2.6 and 'Related Documents'.