Appointment Types Procedure (MPF1214)

  • Category: Employment
  • Version: 1
  • Document Type: Procedure
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 21 August, 2012
  • Audience: Staff, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 21 August, 2012
  • Review Date: 28 February, 2015
  • Policy Approver: Executive Director, Human Resources
  • Policy Steward: Director, Hr Specialist Services


This procedure is made under the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.


This procedure applies to all staff at the University, independent contractors, honorary appointees and University visitors.


1. Categorising the relationship

1.1    Where the University wishes to establish a professional relationship with an individual, the head of budget division will ensure that an appropriate type of appointment is established with the individual, except in the case of a casual appointment where the head of department will ensure the appropriate type of relationship is established, from the following categories:

  • employee
  • independent contractor
  • honorary appointment
  • University visitor
  • sui generis (one of a kind).

1.2    The head of budget division or head of department will determine the appropriate type of appointment on the basis of the nature of the individual’s contribution, payment arrangements and the individual’s academic status. Table 1 sets out these key factors influencing the type of appointment.

Table 1. Types of Appointment

Nature of contribution


Academic status

Appointment Type

Individual undertakes agreed work program in directed manner or individual is paid remuneration in accordance with work outcomes.

University salary rates

May be awarded an academic appointment at the University of Melbourne, as appropriate



(on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis)

Individual undertakes agreed work program in directed manner or individual is paid remuneration in accordance with work outcomes.

Any sum other than University salary rates

Holds academic appointment at another University

Independent contractor

(providing academic services)

plus, if required,

Honorary appointment

(as separate appointment)

Individual undertakes agreed work program in directed manner or individual is paid remuneration in accordance with work outcomes.

Any sum other than University salary rates

Does not hold academic appointment at another University

Independent contractor

(providing non-academic services)

Individual provides academic services in essentially voluntary or ad hoc manner. Eg. provides occasional lecture, attends research seminars.

Less than $300 per day and, for individuals not travelling on a business visa, up to a maximum of $20,007 p.a.

Holds academic appointment at another University

Academic visitor

Individual provides academic services in essentially voluntary or ad hoc manner. Eg. provides occasional lecture, attends research seminars.

Less than $300 per day and, for individuals not travelling on a business visa, up to a maximum of $20,007 p.a.

Does not hold academic appointment at another University

Honorary appointment




Non-academic visitor

1.3    By law, service or services which are delivered on a regular or directed basis must be recognised through either an employment or contractor relationship.

1.4    An employee is not permitted to establish any professional relationship with the University other than the employment relationship.

1.5    An independent contractor may hold an honorary appointment at the University and may be appointed as a University visitor (although this affords the contractor no additional benefit). 



The Executive Director, Human Resources is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this procedure and any associated guidelines.


The Director HR Specialist Services is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this procedure in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this procedure should be directed to the Implementation Officer.


This procedure is to be reviewed by 28 February 2015.



Authorised by

Approval Date

Effective Date

Sections modified


Senior Vice Principal

21 August 2012

21 August 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.