Membership Subscriptions Procedure (MPF1169)

  • Category: Employment
  • Version: 1
  • Document Type: Procedure
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 21 August, 2012
  • Audience: Staff, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 21 August, 2012
  • Review Date: 30 November, 2014
  • Policy Approver: Executive Director, Human Resources
  • Policy Steward: Director, Hr Specialist Services


This procedure is made under the Remuneration, Recognition and Working Conditions Policy.


This procedure applies to all continuing or fixed term staff at the University.


1. Membership subscriptions

1.1    The University may pay (in part or in full) membership subscriptions for staff; where that subscription is determined to be beneficial to the staff member and the University, and is related to the staff member's position.

1.2    Academic and professional staff employed on continuing or fixed-term contracts, on a full or part-time basis, are eligible to apply for payment of work related personal membership subscriptions.

1.3    In the case of fixed-term staff, eligibility for payment of membership subscriptions ceases at the date of expiry of the contract.

1.4    Staff may independently claim such work related payments as tax deductions on their individual tax returns.

1.5  A staff member wishing to be reimbursed for a personal membership subscription is required to forward a written request for payment to the relevant level 2 delegate.

1.6  The request should indicate under which of the categories outlined in section 2 the request has been made.

1.7  If the request satisfies one or more of the approval criteria, and funding is available, the level 2 delegate may approve the reimbursement for the subscription.

2. Approval criteria for payment of personal membership subscriptions

2.1    A level 2 delegate has the authority to approve the payment of a personal membership subscription on the condition that one or more of the following approval criteria has been met:

  • such a payment was agreed as a Condition of Appointment for the staff member concerned
  • such memberships are required by the University
  • local arrangements exist in a department for payments of professional and/or personal memberships as a reward and recognition strategy, and a head of department has initiated such a reward to the staff member concerned (this would normally be for one subscription period and subject to annual review as part of the PDF process)
  • a corporate membership is or is not available and a single personal membership is substituted on behalf of the department or faculty/division enabling a significant and demonstrable advantage other than simply a single individual benefit to accrue to the department or faculty/division e.g. for receipt of a journal that is placed in a departmental collection.

2.2    Advice is to be sought from the local Human Resources consultant where a level 2 delegate is in any doubt about the reimbursement of a membership subscription.

2.3    Corporate membership, (i.e. of the department or faculty/division), may be subscribed to at the delegate's discretion.

3. Airline club membership

3.1    A head of budget division may authorise expenditure for airline club membership from funds accruing from or in support of the travel activity. Memberships will be authorised only where there is a genuine University business related purpose.

3.2    Authorisations should be documented for audit purposes and a register of approved memberships must be maintained centrally.

3.3    Authorisation of club membership will only be considered when:

  • there is demonstrable evidence that the staff member travels frequently for University business related purposes
  • the level of travel undertaken is corroborated and the application unequivocally supported by the head of department
  • the expenditure is charged to an appropriate non-government funded account where funds accruing from or in support of the travel activity are held.

3.4    Membership may be approved on an annual basis.

3.5    Under no circumstances will University funds be used to meet the cost of a life membership, however, a staff member may personally top up an approved allocation for this purpose. 

3.6    Staff may salary package membership of an airline club lounge.  The HR website provides more information about salary packaging options.



The Executive Director, Human Resources is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this procedure and any associated guidelines.


The Director HR Specialist Services is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this procedure in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this procedure should be directed to the Implementation Officer.


This procedure is to be reviewed by 30 November 2014.



Authorised by

Approval Date

Effective Date

Sections modified


Senior Vice Principal

21 August 2012

21 August 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.