Allowances Procedure (MPF1168)

  • Category: Employment
  • Version: 2
  • Document Type: Procedure
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 28 March, 2013
  • Audience: Staff, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 28 March, 2013
  • Review Date: 30 November, 2014
  • Policy Approver: Executive Director, Human Resources
  • Policy Steward: Director, Hr Specialist Services



This procedure applies to all staff at the University.


1. Higher duties allowance

1.1.    A higher duties allowance (HDA) applies when a staff member covers the absence of another staff member in the same department performing all or part of the duties of the position which is classified at a higher level.

1.2.    This absence may come about due to the restructuring of staff positions, leave arrangements, resignation, transfer or other staff movements.

1.3.    A temporary transfer at the appropriate level would be arranged to cover a vacancy in another department.

1.4.    HDAs are only available for professional staff members and are not payable on academic classifications. 

1.5.    The payment of an HDA is based on the difference between the staff member’s normal salary and the base level of the salary of the higher position. 

1.6.    The time period performing higher duties must be a minimum of 2 weeks, which must be 10 consecutive days of work, excluding University holidays. 

1.7.    HDAs are not paid for a period of more than 12 months.

1.8.    If the higher duties are to be shared between two or more staff members, the HDA is based on a percentage of the difference according to the proportion of the additional duties being performed. The total responsibility will not exceed 100%.

1.9.    Where a staff member continues to occupy his or her own position and takes on additional duties that are located in a different organisational unit within the same department, the 'host' unit will bear the cost of the staff member's HDA for the specified period.

1.10.  HDA payments are non-superannuable (except to any extent required under superannuation guarantee law).  Staff should contact the Human Resources Employee Remuneration and Benefits Team for further information regarding salary calculations.

1.11.  HDAs are approved by a level 2 delegate in consultation with the local HR Consultant to ensure the appropriateness of an HDA and the eligibility of the staff member for the allowance.

1.12.  The HDA for professional staff at HEW10E level and below, is submitted via Themis Supervisor Self Service and must include the following information:

  • the period of allowance
  • the name, employee number and position number of the staff member(s) to receive the allowance
  • the percentage of responsibility for the staff member(s) covering the vacancy
  • the position number of the higher position to which the HDA is attached.

2. Allowances for uniforms, protective clothing and laundry

2.1.    Employees undertaking certain duties in the University are required to wear uniforms and/or protective clothing. Further information about the wearing of uniforms and protective clothing is available from the local HR Consultant.

2.2.    Staff engaged in the following areas are issued with uniforms and/or protective clothing:

  • building supervisors
  • grounds staff
  • library attendants
  • maintenance staff
  • porters
  • traffic attendants
  • Vice-Chancellor's driver.

2.3.    Staff will be issued with uniforms or protective clothing by the department concerned upon appointment. 

2.4.    The wearing of uniforms and/or protective clothing is a condition of appointment and staff in the relevant areas are required to wear the uniforms and/or protective clothing issued to them.

2.5.    Where personal difficulties arise these should, in the first instance, be discussed with the staff member’s supervisor.

2.6.    Departments issuing uniforms need to register the clothing with the Textile Clothing and Footwear Development Authority (TCFDA) which maintains the Register of Approved Occupational Clothing.  Such registration will ensure that the clothing does not attract Fringe Benefits Tax.  Registration will allow staff issued with uniforms to obtain a tax deduction for costs associated with the clothing (e.g. laundry, repairs, purchase, etc).

3. Meal and kilometre allowance

3.1.    A meal allowance rate is not payable when a staff member required to work, can reasonably return home for a meal and then resume duty.  The allowance will be paid under the following conditions:

  • weekdays, when the staff member has worked overtime beyond the ordinary hours of work for 2 hours or more
  • Saturdays and Sundays, when the staff member has worked overtime for 5 hours or more.

3.2.    The meal allowance rate when working overtime is $13.44.

3.3.    Staff using their own vehicles on approved University business may claim reimbursement at the rate set from time to time by the ATO and published on their website.

3.4.    The kilometre allowance covers proportionate costs directly related to the use of the vehicle (fuel, tyres, etc.) and proportionate fixed costs (registration, insurance, etc.) The latter includes the loss of any 'no claim' bonus if an accident occurs while the vehicle is being used for University business.

3.5.    Where a staff member uses his or own vehicle and the kilometre allowance exceeds the cost of an economy air fare, the lesser amount will be paid.

3.6.    Applications for a kilometre allowance are administered via Themis Self Service.

3.7.    Reimbursements for mileage paid to University staff members will appear on payment summaries.

4. Compensation for damage to clothing or personal equipment

4.1.    A staff member whose clothing or personal equipment is damaged during the performance of normal duties may apply for reimbursement of costs involved provided that:

  • where applicable, protective clothing or personal equipment was being used at the time the damage occurred
  • the damage was not sustained because of negligence on the part of the staff member
  • all prescribed safety measures were observed.

4.2.    Reimbursement for the replacement cost of damaged clothing, to a maximum of $150 for any one claim, will be based on the depreciated value of the damaged clothing, as assessed by the relevant level 2 delegate.

4.3.    A reimbursement claim should be made in writing, addressed to the relevant level 2 delegate. The written claim should give:

  • full details of the circumstances in which the damage occurred
  • the price of the article/s at the time of purchase
  • the estimated value of the article/s at the time the damage occurred. 

4.4.    The damaged article(s) should, where possible, be available for inspection by the level 2 delegate.

4.5.    A request for payment for the agreed reimbursement amount should be submitted to the appropriate level 2 delegate through the financial approval process used in the department or faculty.

5. Living away from home allowance

5.1.    A living away from home allowance (LAFHA) is paid to individuals who are required to live away from their Australian home for a period from 21 days to 12 months.

5.2.    Refer to the Finance and Planning Group Corporate Finance - Taxation website (restricted access) for further information on eligibility for the living away from home allowance.



The Executive Director, Human Resources is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this procedure and any associated guidelines.


The Director, HR Specialist Services, Human Resources is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this procedure in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this procedure should be directed to the Implementation Officer.


This procedure is to be reviewed by 30 November 2014.



Authorised by

Approval Date

Effective Date

Sections modified


Senior Vice-Principal

21 August 2012

 21 August 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.

2 Senior Vice-Principal 28 March 2013 28 March 2013 Updates to sections 5.1. and 5.2.