Honorary Appointments and University Visitors Procedure (MPF1156)

  • Category: Employment
  • Version: 11
  • Document Type: Procedure
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 30 March, 2022
  • Audience: Staff, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 09 May, 2022
  • Review Date: 28 February, 2015
  • Policy Approver: Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Policy Steward: Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Supporting Process: None


This procedure is made under the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.


This procedure applies to all staff at the University, honorary appointees and University visitors.


1. Categories of honorary fellows and University visitors

1.1.    The categories of honorary fellow and honorary clinical fellow to which an individual may be appointed, and the equivalent academic level, are set out in Table 1.

1.2.    A person may only be appointed an honorary clinical fellow in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, based on current or anticipated links between the person, a department or school of the faculty and a hospital.

Table 1 Categories of honorary fellow and honorary clinical fellow

Honorary fellow

Honorary clinical fellow

Equivalent academic level

Professorial fellow

Clinical professor


Principal fellow

Clinical associate professor


Senior fellow

Clinical senior lecturer



Clinical lecturer



Clinical tutor


1.3.    A person who is to be appointed as a University visitor may be appointed as an:

  • academic visitor
  • non-academic visitor.

1.4.    A person may be appointed as an academic visitor if they have a substantive academic appointment at another institution and will make a direct contribution to the academic programs of the University.

1.5.    A person may be appointed as a non-academic visitor who will contribute to the teaching and learning program of the University, or to other programs which aid the general betterment of the University.

2. Honorary professorial fellow

2.1.    The criteria for appointment of an individual who is either a full professor of a Group of Eight, Universitas 21 or an Asia Pacific Rim university or recognised as a level E equivalent by the NHMRC or ARC, follows University norms for salaried academic staff at the equivalent rank. See Table 1.

2.2.    The appointment and approval process is:

  • the head of department forwards a written recommendation (including reasons for the recommendation) to the dean
  • the dean approves
  • the dean advises local Human Resources of the approval
  • local Human Resources prepares the necessary documentation.

2.3.    The criteria for appointment of an individual who is not either a full professor of a Group of Eight or Universitas 21 university or recognised as a senior principal research fellow or senior research fellow by the NHMRC or ARC, follows University norms for salaried academic staff at the equivalent rank. See Table 1.

2.4.    The appointment and approval process is:

  • the head of department forwards a written recommendation (including reasons for the recommendation) to the dean
  • the dean forwards a recommendation to the Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee (including three independent referee reports)
  • Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee approves
  • HR Specialist Services advises local Human Resources of the approval
  • local Human Resources prepares the documentation.

2.5.    The re-appointment of an honorary professorial fellow is approved by the relevant dean who must report the re-appointment to the Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee.

3. Clinical professor

3.1.    The criteria for appointment, the appointment, approval and reappointment process is as per section 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5.

4. Honorary principal fellow, senior fellow and fellow

4.1.    The criteria for appointment in the three honorary fellow categories follows University norms for salaried academic staff at the equivalent rank. See Table 1.

4.2.    The appointment and approval process is:

  • the head of department approves
  • the head of department advises local Human Resources by submitting an Honorary Appointments form and a brief version of the nominee's curriculum vitae
  • local Human Resources prepares the documentation.

5. Visiting professor

5.1.    Subject to a committee of Council established for that purpose, the Vice-Chancellor may appoint as a visiting professor a senior visitor.

5.2.    The committee shall comprise the Chancellor (as Chair), the Provost, the President of the Academic Board (or nominee) and a Deputy Vice-Chancellor

5.3.    The committee established by Council shall decide on the term and conditions of any such appointment.

5.4.    In exceptional circumstances where the Vice-Chancellor believes it to be imperative that such an appointment be made immediately, the Vice-Chancellor may make such an offer without reference to the committee.  The term of appointment and the applicable conditions are to be decided by the Vice-Chancellor in such circumstances.

6. Clinical associate professor, clinical senior lecturer, clinical lecturer and clinical tutor

6.1.    The criteria for appointment are listed in Schedule A to this procedure.

6.2.    The appointment and approval process is:

  • applications are made to the appropriate school panel on an Honorary Clinical Appointment form
  • the chair of the school panel approves
  • the dean (or nominee) endorses the application
  • the dean (or nominee) advises local Human Resources by submitting the Honorary Clinical Appointment form and the nominee's curriculum vitae
  • local Human Resources prepares the necessary documentation.

6.3.    The head of department approves a re-appointment.

7. Academic and non-academic visitor

7.1.    The appointment of an academic visitor is at the same level as their substantive appointment at the home institution.

7.2.    Where the stay at the University is longer than two weeks and/or a visa is required the appointment and approval process is:

  • the level 2 delegate approves
  • the head of department advises local Human Resources by submitting an Honorary Appointment form and a brief version of the nominee's curriculum vitae
  • local Human Resources prepares the necessary documentation.

7.3.    Where the stay at the University is less than two weeks and no visa is required the appointment and approval process is:

  • the level 2 delegate approves
  • the relevant department issues a letter of invitation
  • the relevant department receives and stores confirmation of acceptance of the invitation from the person.

7.4.    Where an employment or independent contractor or honorary relationship will arise between the individual and the University, this must be established by a means other than a University visitor appointment.

7.5.    The level 2 delegate approves a re-appointment.

8. Professors Emeritus

8.1 At its discretion, the University may award the title of Professor Emeritus to professors whose service and leadership within the University or a formally affiliated institution up to the point of their retirement or resignation was unquestionably outstanding.  If awarded the title of Professor Emeritus, a professor joins a select group of former professors of the University.

8.2. The University Appointments and Promotions Committee (UAPC) may award the title of Professor Emeritus to recognise exceptional and sustained service to the University by professors who are retiring or resigning from the University. While Emeritus is used throughout the policy and on conferring of the award, recipients may opt to use the title of 'Emerita' or 'Emeritus'.

8.3. Normally a professor will have held a professorial appointment at the University for no less than 10 years to be considered for the title of Professor Emeritus.  During that period, and in earlier ranks, the professor will have excelled in their individual academic career, and have demonstrated an exceptional and sustained contribution to the University which goes beyond personal academic achievement..

8.4. UAPC may also award the title of Professor Emeritus to recognise exceptional and sustained service to the University by professors who are retiring or resigning from institutions formally affiliated with the University, determined at the discretion of UAPC. These titles are reserved for particularly exceptional academic achievements and outstanding leadership and service contributions that impact beyond the affiliated institution while particularly enriching the University. For a professor of an affiliated institution to be considered for the title of Professor Emeritus, the following criteria must be met:


  • Normally a professor will have held a professorial appointment at the affiliated institution for no less than 10 years to be considered for the title of Professor Emeritus. During that period, and in earlier ranks, the professor will have excelled in their contribution to the development of the affiliated institution and in their individual academic careers;
  • The professor must also have demonstrated exceptional and sustained service to the University of Melbourne directly or indirectly through their work with the affiliated institution, but in either case with benefits to the University that go beyond a strong record of personal academic achievement.

8.5. In considering a professor for the award of the title of Professor Emeritus, UAPC will take into account:

  • the duration, distinction and legacy of service and leadership, within the University or the affiliated institution (as in 8.4 above), across all ranks but particularly as a professor, including, where the nominee is from an affiliated institution support from its CEO or Director;
  • the extent of scholarly engagement and influence with communities, professions, business and industry;
  • the pre-eminence of academic achievements. 

8.6. The approval process for the award of the title is:

  • the dean forwards a recommendation to the UAPC, including any advice from relevant colleagues
  • in exceptional circumstances, the appointment may be recommended directly by the Vice-Chancellor, Provost, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, or President of Academic Board. In these cases, there would normally be prior consultation with the dean.
  • UAPC considers and makes a decision on the award of the title

8.7. UAPC may award the title of Melbourne Laureate Professor Emeritus if appointment prior to retirement was as a University of Melbourne Laureate Professor.

8.8. UAPC may award the title of Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor Emeritus if appointment prior to retirement was as a Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor.

8.9. In addition to the award of the title of Professor Emeritus and at the discretion of the dean, a professor may simultaneously hold an honorary Professorial Fellow appointment for a fixed term period while there is an active and ongoing contribution to the University.

8.10. A person who has not held a salaried appointment as a professor of the University or a formally affiliated institution is not eligible for the award of the title of Professor Emeritus.

8.11. The title of Professor Emeritus is conferred in perpetuity, however, Council on advice from UAPC, may determine when the title and the privileges associated with its use are to cease.

8.12. A professor awarded the title Professor Emeritus will be provided with formal recognition of the award and will be presented with an official scroll to recognise the significant achievement and sustained distinguished service at an appropriate official University ceremony, such as a Graduation Ceremony, Meeting of the Council, Meeting of the Academic Board or a formal retirement function.

8.13. A Professor Emeritus is entitled to:

  • attend ceremonial occasions such as graduation
  • have access to a University email account
  • have access to library facilities
  • apply for membership of other facilities available to staff (e.g. University House, MU Sport, car parking)

8.14. A Professor Emeritus is not entitled, by virtue of this award, to:

  • membership of the Academic Board or faculty or graduate school committees
  • remuneration
  • office accommodation and faculty or graduate school resources or telecommunications (other than email)

9. Adjunct professor

9.1.    A member of staff who over a number of years makes a substantial contribution to the teaching, research or professional programs of a department other than their own may be awarded an adjunct appointment in that department.

9.2.    The names of all adjunct staff may be added to the University Calendar within the appropriate department as adjunct professor, adjunct senior lecturer etc. according to the rank of their substantive appointment.

9.3.    The Dean may approve an adjunct appointment below professorial level.

9.4.    The Provost on advice of Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee (on recommendation from the relevant faculty committee) may approve an adjunct appointment at the professorial level.

9.5.    Local Human Resources prepares the documentation.

10. Offers and acceptances

10.1.  An honorary appointment will be made by a letter of invitation issued by local Human Resources which stipulates the terms and conditions of the appointment.

10.2.  An appointee must accept these terms and conditions in writing.

10.3.  A University visitor who is to stay at the University for more than two weeks will be issued a letter of invitation by local Human Resources.

10.4.  A University visitor must formally accept that invitation before commencing their service to the University.

11. Periods of appointment and termination

11.1.  Honorary and clinical appointments will continue to have effect:

  • in the case of honorary professorial fellows, for a period of up to five years
  • in any other case, while the appointee continues to have an ongoing association with the University, as determined by the University Council or the head of department or dean on behalf of the University Council.

11.2.  Honorary appointments may be terminated at any time by the head of department or head of budget division (dependant on level of appointment) and the appointee will be advised in writing that he or she no longer has honorary status.

11.3.  Honorary clinical appointments will cease if the clinician no longer holds their clinical position or is not appropriately registered. 

11.4.  An honorary or clinical appointment may be withdrawn by the head of department or head of budget division where the title is misused.

11.5.  A University visitor will be appointed for up to one year.

11.6.  A University visitor may have his or her appointments renewed for up to one year by the delegated authority. There is no limit on the number of times an appointment may be renewed.

11.7.  The appointment will cease when the University visitor ceases making a significant contribution to the University or at the end of the agreed term of appointment, whichever is sooner.

11.8.  The Provost may withdraw a University visitor appointment before the end of term on the recommendation of a dean.

12. Appointing honorary fellows as supervisors

12.1.  A head of department who wishes to have an honorary fellow appointed as a supervisor of University staff may provide a case to the dean, accompanied by an Advice of Changes to Supervisor form.

12.2.  Where the dean approves the appointment, local Human Resources will provide formal notification to the honorary fellow of their supervisor status and they will be required to sign acceptance of the conditions required of all supervisors.

13. Privileges, rights and obligations of honorary fellows and University visitors

13.1.  Honorary fellows, clinical fellows and University visitors:

  • are not members of the Academic Board or any faculty
  • may obtain a visitors card and have access to the University's information facilities, including its electronic communication network
  • may be provided with office accommodation at the discretion of the head of department
  • will report to the head of department (or alternative supervisor as approved by the dean or head of budget division)
  • will acknowledge the University in publications and grant applications arising from research involving University collaborations
  • will comply with University statutes, regulations and policies as they relate to their activities.

13.2.  Honorary fellows, clinical fellows and University visitors may not:

  • commit or authorise expenditure of University funds (variations to this item require authorisation of the level 2 delegate)
  • carry out performance appraisals for University staff without a co-supervisor who is a University employee (unless specific arrangements are in place for honorary fellows)
  • be directed to undertake an activity on a regular or recurring basis.

14. Use of academic title

14.1.  An honorary fellow, including an honorary clinical fellow, may use their honorary title during the term of their appointment when carrying out any activity which forms part of their contribution to the University. Honorary clinical appointments will use the term clinical as part of the title description.

14.2.  An honorary fellow, when carrying out activities which are outside his or her contribution to the University, in circumstances where it can be reasonably construed that there is an association between the University and the honorary fellow, may use his or her honorary title during the term of the appointment where:

  • there is no conflict of interest between the person’s work and his or her contribution to the University as an honorary fellow
  • appropriate insurance and indemnification arrangements are in place.

14.3.  The responsibility lies with the honorary fellow to ensure that these requirements are satisfied. Honorary fellows should seek advice from the head of department, school or dean if further clarification or advice is sought in relation to this item.

14.4.  On ceremonial occasions an honorary fellow may use the title of the equivalent academic rank:

  • professorial fellow - professor
  • principal fellow - associate professor
  • senior fellow - senior lecturer
  • fellow – lecturer.

14.5.  A University visitor is not awarded an academic title by the University during the period of their contribution.

14.6.  An academic visitor may use the academic title they use at their home institution during their appointment as an academic visitor at the University.

15. Payments to honorary fellows, clinical fellows and University visitors

15.1.  An honorary fellow, clinical fellow or University visitor may be eligible for reimbursement of reasonable payments to cover expenses associated with the provision of his or her contribution to the University, such as travel, accommodation, meals and incidentals.

15.2.  Reimbursement of expenses will be administered through Accounts Payable in accordance with the Payments and Reimbursements Procedure.

15.3.  Payments to international fellows and visitors will be in accordance with any visa conditions.

16. University obligations

16.1.  The University will ensure that its insurance provisions provide honorary fellows and academic visitors with the same level of cover as academic staff receive when honorary fellows or academic visitors are undertaking activities directly related to their appointment for the University.

16.2.  As coverage for workers compensation may not be extended under the applicable legislation, honorary fellows and academic visitors are encouraged to arrange separate insurance coverage for sickness and personal accident.

16.3.  The insurance provisions provided by the University to non-academic visitors will be determined by the Manager, Insurance Office on a case by case basis.

16.4.  The University will ensure a safe work environment free of unlawful discrimination while the honorary fellow or University visitor is undertaking activities on behalf of the University.




The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this procedure and any associated guidelines.


The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this procedure in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this procedure should be directed to the Implementation Officer.


This procedure is to be reviewed by 28 February 2015.


Version Approved By Approval Date Effective Date Sections Modified
1 Senior Vice-Principal 21 Aug 2012 21 Aug 2012 New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.
2 Senior Vice-Principal 25 Jul 2013 25 Jul 2013 Updates to section 8.
3 Executive Director, Human Resources 6 Aug 2013 6 Aug 2013 Minor updates to sections 2, 3, 4 and 8 following compliance review by Senior Lawyer - Compliance and University Policy Officer.
4 Executive Director, Human Resources 11 Sep 2013 11 Sep 2013 Minor amendment - removal of section 4.3 as it was included in error.
5 Created in error      
6 Created in error      
7 Executive Director, Human Resources 15 January 2019 01 February 2019 Updated section 8.
8 Executive Director, Human Resources 9 Febuary 2021 10 February 2021 Amendments to section 8 to include formally affiliated institutions.

Executive Director, Human Resources

6 May 2021 27 May 2021 Amendment to section 8.2 to include use of the title 'Emerita' and 8.10 to include formally affiliated institutions.
10 Policy Officer N/A N/A Created in error. 
11 Chief Human Resources Officer 30 March 2022 9 May 2022 Amendments to section 8.