Categories of Employment Procedure (MPF1154)

  • Category: Employment
  • Version: 4
  • Document Type: Procedure
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 23 July, 2024
  • Audience: Staff, Students, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 24 July, 2024
  • Review Date: 28 February, 2015
  • Policy Approver: Executive Director, Human Resources
  • Policy Steward: Executive Director, Human Resources & Ohs
  • Supporting Process:


Categories of Employment Procedure (MPF1154)


This procedure is made under the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.


This procedure applies to all staff at the University.


1. Academic levels A - E

1.1 The University appoints academic staff and research only staff in accordance with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure at levels A – E.

1.2 The titles which an academic staff member or a research only staff member are entitled to use at each classification level is shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Teaching and Research Staff and Research Only Staff Titles, by classification level


Classification level


Academic staff titles


Research only staff titles


Research only honorary staff


Level A :



Senior tutor


Research assistant grade 1.3

Research assistant grade 2

Senior research assistant

Research fellow grade 1




Level B :




Research fellow grade 2

Senior research officer


(Honorary) lecturer


Level C :


Senior lecturer


Senior research fellow


(Honorary) senior lecturer


Level D :



Associate professor


Principal research fellow




Level E :


Laureate professor



Professorial fellow




1.3 The dean may approve the recommendation by a head of department that a research only staff member be accorded a teaching and research title where the research only staff member has, over the previous three years of employment at the University, spent at least 20% of their time on formal teaching and research training and this contribution has been confirmed by the head of department. The teaching and research title which a research only staff member may be accorded at different classification levels is set out in Table 1.

1.4 Where the dean approves a recommendation that a research only staff member be accorded a teaching and research title, the dean will advise the research only staff member in writing and forward a copy of the letter to local Human Resources.

2. Professors and associate professors

2.1 Professors are appointed by the Provost on advice of the Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee .

2.2 The Vice-Chancellor, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellors are appointed for not less than 5 years, the Director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education and Deans of Faculties are appointed as Professors.

2.3 Professors are engaged subject to the provisions of applicable industrial instruments, the conditions of employment negotiated with the Vice-Chancellor, and any special conditions determined by standing resolution of Council.

2.4 Associate professors may also be appointed as associate professor (clinical) in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences.

2.5 Staff members appointed as associate professor and reader or those appointed as principal research fellows may elect to take the title of reader or associate professor, or may elect to use both titles.

3. University of Melbourne laureate professors

3.1 Nobel Laureates or scholars of equivalent standing will be recommended for appointment under this scheme by a dean or member of the Senior Executive. Where the recommendation is from a member of the Senior Executive, the views of the relevant dean (or deans where the case crosses disciplines) will be sought. All views will be taken into account by the Committee in determining the case.

3.2 Applications will be considered at any time and the dean will present a detailed case, including curriculum vitae, publication record and must include information to assist the Committee in respect to expected outcomes to be achieved from the appointment. The Committee will consider and assess each case against established criteria and guidelines. The Committee may determine if further information is required to support the application including referee reports.

3.3 Distinguished professors from amongst the professoriate will be nominated for appointment under this scheme by the relevant dean or member of the Senior Executive. Where the recommendation is from a member of the Senior Executive, the views of the relevant dean (or deans where the case crosses disciplines) will be sought. All views will be taken into account by the Committee in determining the case.

3.4 All nominations must be endorsed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). The endorsement is the provision of an acknowledgement of a prima facie case for consideration by the Honours Committee . Nominations must be supported by a detailed case including curriculum vitae, publication record and must include information to assist the Committee in respect to expected outcomes to be achieved from the appointment. The Committee will consider and assess each case against established criteria and guidelines.

3.5 In the initial application phase referee reports are not required. Once the Committee considers the nominations, it will then determine whether to proceed to obtain referee reports. The committee can make an appointment based on the initial information provided without proceeding to obtain referee reports. However with a particular application if the Committee deems that it is appropriate to obtain referee reports, the dean will be invited to meet with the Committee for review of the referee reports and determination of the nomination.

3.6 Referees will be selected on the basis of their own eminent standing and their ability to assist in assessing the nomination.

3.7 Funding and remuneration is allocated through the Division of the Senior Vice-Principal (Strategic Initiatives Program Budget). Faculties will receive the following payment to support the appointment of a Nobel Laureate or scholar equivalent in standing.

·         $175,000 per annum for full-time appointments

·         $100,000 per annum for part-time appointments – where the time spent at the University will be at least two months each year.

3.8 The Vice-Chancellor, in consultation with the relevant dean, will determine to what extent the faculty will pay for that scholar’s remuneration. Additional remuneration paid will be a matter for the individual faculty.

3.9 Funding and remuneration is allocated through the Division of the Senior Vice-Principal (Strategic Initiatives Program Budget). Distinguished professors will be provided with a Melbourne Laureate Professor loading of $50,000 per annum. To be eligible for the loading, staff must hold an appointment of at least 50% time fraction, and the loading will be paid on the equivalent pro rata basis. This will be in addition to the existing remuneration paid by the faculty.

3.10 The loading may be paid in a number of ways including as an additional cash component, to support research activities or salary packaged to superannuation. Local HR consultants can provide advice.

3.11 If the Committee decides to recommend that an offer of appointment as a Melbourne Laureate Professor be made, that recommendation will only take effect if the recommendation is approved by Council, or, in cases or urgency, by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of Council.

3.12 Nobel Laureates or scholars of equivalent standing may be re-appointed as salaried Melbourne Laureate Professors for a further period (normally three years) as recommended by the dean or member of the Senior Executive where a compelling case demonstrating continued exceptional performance as measured against established criteria has been argued.

3.13 In such cases prior approval for the continuation of the funding support from the Senior Vice-Principal (Strategic Initiatives Program Budget) is required to be confirmed by the Provost and prior to approval of the re-appointment.

3.14 Distinguished professors may be re-appointed for a further period (normally three years) as recommended by the dean or member of the Senior Executive where a compelling case demonstrating continued outstanding performance and high achievement has been argued.

3.15 The loading will continue to be paid where it is demonstrated that there is continued exceptional performance as measured against established criteria.

3.16 The use of the title Melbourne Laureate Professor will continue while the professor continues to maintain an association with the University of Melbourne as honorary Professorial Fellow or, in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, Professor/Director.

3.17 If appointed as Professor Emeritus, the title will be Emeritus Melbourne Laureate Professor. Staff holding the title of Melbourne Laureate Professor at the time of retirement, will become an Emeritus Melbourne Laureate Professor.

3.18 The Honours Committee will consider whether the University wishes to recognise individual Melbourne Laureate Professors through award of the title (but not the loading) while they continue to hold ongoing apointments with the University of Melbourne. It is envisaged that this honour will be reserved to recognise lifetime achievement or eminence as a public intellectual and will be periodically reviewed by the Honours Committee and may, in cases where there is no ongoing national or international recognition for the University, withdraw the title.

4. Deans

4.1 The Council appoints the dean of a faculty on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor.

4.2 The dean will be appointed in accordance with the procedure determined by Council.

4.3 A dean is appointed for not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years, unless special circumstances apply.

4.4 A person who has been appointed dean is eligible for reappointment.

4.5 A deputy dean may be either elected by members of the faculty or appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of a selection committee.

4.6 In the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, the dean may appoint a deputy dean.

4.7 The dean may appoint an associate dean to one of the offices of associate dean of a faculty or a recommendation may be made via election by members of the faculty for a period of not more than 5 years and on conditions of appointment determined by the dean.

4.8 The Vice-Chancellor may appoint an acting dean.

4.9 Non-professorial deans are granted the title of professor for the duration of their appointment as dean.

4.10 A staff member who serves as acting dean for at least three months will be paid a loading.

4.11 A dean may not be absent for a period of more than three months duration. In special circumstances, extended absences may be referred to the Provost for approval.

4.12 Sub-deans and assistants to the dean may be appointed by the dean, on the recommendation of the faculty, for a period of not more than 5 years and on conditions of appointment determined by the dean.

5. Heads

5.1 The dean may appoint a head of department or head of school.

5.2 The methods by which a faculty chooses nominees for its head may vary.

5.3 In all cases the dean will establish a collegial consultation process.

5.4 A head is appointed for not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years, unless special circumstances apply.

5.5 Non-professorial heads of department are designated Associate Professor for the duration of their appointment as head.

5.6 Where an existing staff member is appointed to the office of head of department or school their current contract of employment will be varied to reflect the appointment, the term of office and any additional loadings (the amount of which depends on the size of the department or school).

5.7 A person who has been appointed head is eligible for reappointment, provided he or she is still qualified to hold office.

5.8 A staff member who serves as acting head for at least three months will be paid a loading.

5.9 A head may not be absent for a period of more than three months duration. In special circumstances, such extended absences may be referred to the Provost for approval.

6. Academic Board

6.1 The Academic Board elects three of its members to be President, Vice-President, and Deputy Vice-President respectively in accordance with Statute 4.1 . Office bearers may be re-elected for subsequent terms. Every member of the Board is entitled to vote and to nominate for office.

6.2 If a casual vacancy arises in the office of President, Vice-President or Deputy-Vice President, the Board may elect another member to the vacant office for the remainder of the calendar year, depending on the circumstances and time of year.

6.3 The President is ex-officio a member of Council. The President normally chairs meetings of the Academic Board.

6.4 Responsibility loadings are paid to the President, Vice-President, their respective Secretaries, the Deputy Vice-President, and the Assistant Vice-President (Public Programs) by virtue of their respective offices as per the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure.

7. Joint hospital - University appointments

7.1 Where the University wishes to employ a staff member jointly with a recognised teaching hospital, approvals to employ must be obtained from both institutions, except where the employee is employed independently on a part-time or casual basis by each institution in which case, appropriate approval for University employment will be obtained from the usual authorised University officer.

7.2 Where the University and a recognised teaching hospital wish to share the responsibility for a full-time staff position, one will accept 60% or more of the cost and become the primary employer. The division of responsibility for shared funding must not be equal.

7.3 The primary employer is responsible for advertising the position, processing applications, making the appointment, and paying the staff member, according to the primary employer's established employment practices. The secondary employer should be consulted during selection and should approve the final appointment.

7.4 The employee will be a member of staff of the primary employer and subject to the salary scales, superannuation, leave, and private practice conditions of the primary employer. The employee's duties will, however, include a significant commitment to the activities of the secondary employer.

7.5 The secondary employer will confer a suitable title on the employee. The University will confer one of its Fellow titles, and the hospital would use a title appropriate to the function of the position.

7.6 The secondary employer will reimburse the primary employer for the agreed percentage of salary, superannuation, payroll tax, work cover, travel grants for study leave and conferences, and other employment costs at the rates applicable to the primary employer institution. No other overhead charges will be made between the institutions.

7.7 The appropriate funds will be transferred to the relevant budget division.

7.8 When both institutions wish an employee to participate in a long-term joint operation, arrangements will be made by the exchange of letters between the institutions outlining the basis for the agreed cooperation.

7.9 With the consent of the hospital, full-time hospital staff may be permitted to accept employment as part-time teachers at the University. The hospital remains the primary employer and the University employs the staff member on a casual basis and gives them an appropriate title.

7.10 By arrangement between the hospital and University (refer to the appropriate agreement), payments may be made directly to the employee, or through the hospital.

7.11 Full-time University clinical staff who undertake a significant patient-care load may enter into a separate contract with their Healthcare Network. Such staff will be paid by the Network on a sessional basis. The University also, under certain circumstances may pay the staff member a clinical differential loading in accordance with Schedule C to the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure.

7.12 Staff whose main employment is outside both the University and the hospital, for example in private practice, may be independently employed by either or both institutions. The employment conditions for each institution apply to any work undertaken there. If one of the institutions wishes to employ a person for more than 25% of a full-time load, that institution will be required to obtain an assurance from the employee that he or she is not employed by another institution for more than a reasonable load.

8. Adjunct appointments

8.1 Where an academic staff member has over a number of years made a substantial contribution to the teaching, research or professional programs of a department other than their own, an adjunct appointment may be approved by:

·         the dean, in the case of an academic staff member at levels A - D

·         the Provost, on advice of the Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee (on recommendation from the relevant faculty committee), in the case of an academic staff member at the professorial level.

8.2 The dean or Provost will advise the local Human Resources representative of an adjunct appointment and the local Human Resources representative will take any other appropriate action.

9. Professional staff

9.1 Professional staff appointments are made in accordance with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure at Levels 1-10.

10. Senior administrative service

10.1 Staff whose jobs are classified at professional staff level 10 are members of the senior administrative service.

11. Apprentices and trainees

11.1 The head of budget division may approve the employment of a staff member as an apprentice under a fixed-term contract pursuant to a formally recognised apprenticeship approved by the relevant statutory authority.

11.2 An apprentice will be paid in accordance with the percentage salary rates set out in Schedule B – Professional Staff Salaries and Rates of Payment, appended to the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure.

11.3 The head of budget division may approve the employment of a staff member as a trainee at level 2 or 3, or in exceptional circumstances, at level 1, under a fixed-term contract pursuant to a formally recognised traineeship approved by the relevant statutory authority.

·         Guidelines for the employment of trainees are available on the Human Resources website .

11.4 The head of budget division will ensure that:

·         the level of a trainee position is the same classification level as the position for which the trainee is to be prepared and will occupy on completion of training

·         the position description clearly sets out the training program, selection criteria and probation standards for the position

·         the job advertisement sets out the training program and period of training.

11.5 A trainee will be paid at the trainee salary rate set out in the Schedule B - Professional Staff Salaries and Rates of Payment, appended to the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure.

11.6 Trainees are subject to a probationary period in accordance with the Probation and Confirmation Procedure.

11.7 The period of training will be in accordance with the recognised traineeship approved by the relevant statutory authority to a maximum of two years.

11.8 Training may be on-the-job, but where appropriate, time release will also be provided for participation in courses external to the University.

12. Employment of students as casual staff

12.1 The University encourages the casual and short-term employment of its own students in departments and faculties, particularly over the summer period.

12.2 University policy and procedures in relation to conflict of interest apply to the employment of students.

12.3 Students from the faculty or faculties in which they are studying should not be employed in areas, or on tasks, which might be regarded as "student" sensitive.

12.4 Students must be adequately supervised at all times. Access to ISIS or other sensitive computer systems must be closely monitored. The employment of post-graduate students may be preferable in these areas.

12.5 Departments wishing to engage students may contact Student Careers and Employment .

12.6 Students employed as casual staff members must be provided with a contract of employment . The contract must stipulate, in relation to the duties required, the type of employment, the terms of engagement, the number of hours required, the rate of pay for each class of duty required and a statement that any additional duties required during the term of the contract will be paid.

12.7 Students must sign confidentiality agreements for access to sensitive staffing, student or financial information or the use of University systems.

12.8 Students are paid the appropriate casual rate of pay for the job being undertaken as per the Job Classification and Linked Advancement Procedure and the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure.

13. Work focus categorisation of academic positions

13.1 Deans will designate a work focus category for each academic position based on the strategic direction and the specific needs of the graduate school or faculty, the specific duties and the focus and emphasis of the staff members holding the positions.

13.2 Deans may advertise or call for expressions of interest from current academic staff for vacant positions.

13.3 Expressions of interest will emphasise work focus category requirements as detailed in Schedules A, B, C and D to this Procedure.

13.4 The advertisement must indicate the work focus category of the position.

13.5 Positions for existing staff remain in their current work focus category, consistent with the staff member’s current appointment unless the staff member seeks and is appointed to a vacant position with a different work focus category or are transferred to a different work focus category, according to the procedures documented in section 14 Work focus categorisation appointments or section 15 Work focus categorisation transfers.

14. Work focus categorisation appointments

14.1 Appointment made will be subject to the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.

14.2 Staff considered for appointment to a position must meet the work focus category requirements relevant to the position detailed in Schedules A, B, C and D to this procedure.

15. Work focus categorisation transfers

15.1 Due to individual, departmental or University changing needs, the dean may ask a staff member to transfer between work focus categories or a staff member may seek such a transfer.

15.2 Transfers between work focus categories:

·         will be discussed as part of the Performance Development Framework (PDF) process

·         must be aligned with the workforce strategies of the department, budget division and the University

·         require agreement between the staff member and the supervisor

·         must take into account the individual’s achievements, performance development record, work goals, career aspirations and specific capabilities

·         are based on demonstration of capability and capacity to undertake the work of the relevant work focus category.

15.3 Staff considered for transfer to a position with a different work focus category must meet the work focus category requirements relevant to the new work focus category of the position, as specified in Schedules A, B, C and D to this procedure.

15.4 In instances where the staff member being considered for transfer does not yet meet the indicative work focus category requirements relevant to the work focus category, the supervisor will negotiate a transition action plan with the transferring staff member through the Performance Development Framework. This will include a reasonable timeframe during which the academic can be supported to meet the indicative requirements applicable to their new work focus category. The supervisor must establish with the staff member a new performance development plan which will include performance objectives, key performance indicators and a professional development plan to support the staff member in the new category.

16. Work focus categorisation approvals

16.1 When seeking approval for an appointment or transfer to a role with changed work focus category, the staff member, supervisor, head of department and or dean should take into account that:

·         all appointments or transfers of existing and new staff are made in accordance with this procedure

·         terms and conditions for roles in each work focus category of current staff and new staff remain subject to the full range of conditions of employment specified under the relevant Enterprise Agreement and under relevant University policies applying to academic staff

·         transfer of an academic staff member to a role in a different work focus category does not impact on the staff member’s existing fixed term or continuing employment type.

16.2 To request approval, the staff member recommending the change (supervisor or dean or a head of department) must complete a Work Focus Category - Approval form and forward it for approval as detailed on the form.

16.3 Recommendations relating to appointments or transfers to positions with changed Work Focus Categories of Research Focussed and Teaching and Research must be approved by the dean and the decision communicated as soon as possible to the academic staff member.

16.4 Recommendations relating to appointments or transfers to positions with changed work focus categories of teaching specialists and academic specialists must be approved by the Dean, taking account any equity issues, and the decision communicated as soon as possible to the dean and the academic staff member.

16.5 Local human resources staff will provide a copy of the approval to the staff member, the dean and to the relevant head of department.

16.6 In a case where the appointment or transfer is not approved the dean will provide the academic staff member with reasons for the decision.

16.7 The local human resources staff will prepare letters of offer for new appointments, record the work focus category on the HR system; and send the staff member an employment contract and position description.

16.8 The staff member must return the signed letter of offer and acceptance to local human resources staff.

17. Work focus categorisation workload

17.1 On appointment or transfer to a position with a changed work focus category, the supervisor will meet with the staff member to ensure that:

·         the performance development plan is developed or updated to reflect the work requirements of the role

·         the workload allocation takes into account the work focus category and is consistent with the requirements of the relevant Enterprise Agreement and with the requirements of local workload models.

17.2 The supervisor will manage the staff member’s workload allocation consistent with the requirements of the University’s Academic Workload Guidelines.

17.3 The supervisor will negotiate workload allocation taking into account individual staff circumstances and will assess performance relative to opportunity.

17.4 The supervisor will take a flexible approach to setting workload for teaching specialist staff, in light of the diverse range of teaching-related activities but staff in teaching specialist roles should be fully engaged in teaching activities during applicable teaching periods. Workload allocation should not disadvantage teaching specialist staff considering applying for promotion.

18. Work focus categorisation Performance Development Framework (PDF) and promotion

18.1 The supervisor will manage performance of staff in the work focus category in accordance with the University’s Performance Development Framework. Supervisors are responsible for setting performance expectations which align with the relevant eligibility criteria and indicative requirements as part of the normal PDF cycle.

18.2 Supervisors and staff members will review the suitability of the assigned work focus category each year as part of the Performance Development Framework process.

18.3 The staff member is responsible for developing their performance development plan in consultation with their supervisor in accordance with the requirements of the Performance Development Framework.


·         Schedule A – Indicative Work Focus Category Requirements (Teaching Specialist)

·         Schedule B – Indicative Work Focus Category Requirements (Teaching and Research)

·         Schedule C – Academic Work Focus Categories (Research Focussed)

·         Schedule D – Indicative Work Focus Category Requirements (Academic Specialist)


·         Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)

·         Income Tax Assessment Act 1936

·         Taxation Administration Act 1953

·         Australian Taxation Office rules

·         University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010

·         University of Melbourne Enterprise Agreement 2006

·         Statute 4.1 – Academic Board

·         Delegations Policy

·         Schedule D – Human Resources Delegations

·         Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure

·         Schedule B – Professional Staff Salaries and Rates of Payment

·         Work Focus Category – Approval form

·         Recruitment and Appointment Policy

·         Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure

·         Schedule C - Loadings to the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure

·         Probation and Confirmation Procedure

·         Job Classification and Linked Advancement Procedure

·         Academic Workload Guidelines

·         Honours Committee of Council

·         Human Resources website







Work focus category


One of the following four groups of academic positions based on the specific duties, focus and emphasis undertaken by the staff member who occupies or will occupy the position.

·         teaching and research: positions which are involved principally or wholly with teaching and associated activities and original research with the primary aim of publishing and disseminating new knowledge from the work undertaken in the position.

·         research focussed: positions which are principally focussed upon original research with the primary aim of publishing and disseminating new knowledge.

·         teaching specialist: positions which are principally focussed upon teaching and associated activities including; lecturing, group or individual tutoring, preparation of teaching materials, educational design, educational leadership, supervision of students, marking and preparation for such activities; and clinical or professional practice where appropriate

·         academic specialists: positions which are appropriately classified as academic but which are not expected directly to undertake teaching or research activities. This will include staff involved in community engagement, academic policy development, research service and leadership and senior management roles such as the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor.




Appointment to a position by agreement between the employee and the University in the form of an employment contract signed by both parties.




Agreement between the employee and the University to a change of academic work focus category of the staff member’s position at the same academic classification level, without formally advertising the position.



The Executive Director, Human Resources is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this procedure and any associated guidelines.


The Director HR Specialist Services is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this procedure in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this procedure should be directed to the Implementation Officer.


This procedure is to be reviewed by 28 February 2015.


Version Approved By Approval Date Effective Date Sections Modified
1 Senior Vice Principal 21 August 2012 21 August 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.

2 Executive Director, Human Resources & OHS 6 May 2021 27 May 2021 Updated 'Provost' to 'Dean' under section 16.4.
3 Chief People Officer 23 July 2024 24 July 2024

Update to schedule list

4 Policy Officer 23 July 2024 24 July 2024

Editorial amendment