Performance Planning and Review Procedure (MPF1147)

  • Category: Employment
  • Version: 4
  • Document Type: Procedure
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 22 May, 2014
  • Audience: Staff, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 22 May, 2014
  • Review Date: 30 June, 2015
  • Policy Approver: Executive Director, Human Resources
  • Policy Steward: Director, People And Performance


This procedure is made under the Staff Development, Education and Performance Policy.


This policy applies to all staff at the University.


1. Performance review

1.1.    The Performance Development Framework (PDF) applies to all continuing and fixed-term staff members.

1.2.    The supervisor of a continuing or fixed-term staff member will conduct at least one performance review and feedback discussion every 12-month period.

1.3.    Where a fixed-term staff member is engaged for 12 months or less, the supervisor will conduct the review at least two weeks prior to the expiry of their fixed-term contract.

1.4.    The supervisor will cover the following principal elements in a performance review and feedback discussion:

  • review of the role and responsibilities of the staff member
  • objectives, skills and knowledge acquisition set in previous feedback discussions
  • the workload of the staff member (staff members may raise workload issues with supervisors whenever there is a concern or problem)
  • acknowledge initiatives and achievements of the staff member
  • develop a plan which includes future performance objectives, and professional development activities to be agreed between the supervisor and the staff member
  • provide feedback to the staff member on their performance against previously determined objectives and advise the rating according to the definitions in Table 1
  • where appropriate, advise as to whether an increment will be awarded
  • provide feedback and coaching to the staff member on specific areas requiring development, which should be clearly documented where performance is unsatisfactory.

1.5.    The staff member’s performance objectives will be aligned with the position description and performance standards of employment level and take into account:

  • the individual and professional circumstances of the staff member, including work fraction and comparative workloads, and the career objectives of the staff member
  • the operational requirements of the department.

Staff are invited to disclose relevant personal circumstances and working arrangements. Supervisors will plan for and assess performance in accordance with the Guidelines for Consideration of Performance Relative to Opportunity.

1.6.    A staff member who receives a rating from their supervisor of satisfactory or greater, as defined in Table 1, will receive an incremental progression in accordance with the increments provisions of the Salaries, Loadings and Benefits Procedure.

1.7.    The supervisor will arrange for outcomes of the feedback discussion to be documented and the rating entered into Themis.

1.8.    The staff member may and the supervisor will retain copies.

Table 1 - Ratings


Definition of rating 


Demonstration of performance consistently exceeding expectation. The consistently high standard has earned recognition by others internal and/or external to the University.

Very good

Overall demonstration of consistent and sustained performance with all objectives being met and many being exceeded.


Overall demonstration of consistent and sustained performance with all objectives being met and some being exceeded.


Performance in most areas met the requirements of the position whilst other missed by a small margin.


Performance and/or behaviour falls short of the required standard.

2. Confidentiality

2.1.    Details of performance reviews and feedback discussions will remain confidential between the staff member, their supervisor and subsequent supervisors.

2.2.    Where reasonably required to assist in the implementation of the Performance Development Framework (PDF), details of the review outcomes may be shared with more senior managers in the relevant department or budget division and information from the performance reviews and feedback discussions may be provided to decision makers making decisions relating to:

3. PDF training

3.1.    Prior to undertaking the supervisory responsibilities of the PDF, a supervisor will complete training in the PDF.  This will occur within three months of the appointment of the supervisor.

3.2.   A new staff member will undertake PDF training as part of the probation process.

4. Supervisor

4.1.    For academic staff, the supervisor is the head of department but may be another staff member (of level C or comparative rank) nominated by the University.

4.2.    Where the head of department is not the supervisor, the academic staff member will be notified in writing.

4.3.    Academic staff members may request the nomination of an alternative supervisor.

4.4.    For professional staff the supervisor will be nominated by the head of the organisational unit.

5. Performance improvement plan

5.1.    Where a supervisor can demonstrate that a staff member’s performance is unsatisfactory, they will schedule a review and feedback session to discuss with the staff member the elements of performance which are unsatisfactory.

5.2.    Where discussions do not resolve the matter, the supervisor may develop a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) in consultation with the staff member.

5.3.    Procedures relating to the development of a PIP do not apply to probation decisions.

5.4.    A staff member is entitled to have a representative, which may include a union representative, assist them at any point in this process.

5.5.    Prior to the implementation of the PIP, the staff member must be provided with an opportunity to comment on the draft performance objectives outlined in the PIP.

5.6.    The supervisor will ensure that the PIP contains:

  • a clear statement of performance objectives
  • details of what is necessary to achieve the identified performance objectives
  • the time frame in which performance objectives are to be reached (which will be no greater than six months unless otherwise agreed between the staff member and the supervisor)
  • detail of the provision of developmental or other support for improving performance (such support may include, but not be limited to, guidance, counselling and consideration of work allocation)
  • the specification of regular performance review meetings during the course of the PIP
  • a copy of this procedure and relevant clauses of the University of Melbourne Collective Agreement 2010 detailing the potential penalties which may be imposed if no performance improvement is forthcoming.

5.7.    The staff member’s supervisor will provide copies of all documentation associated with the PIP, including signed minutes of the performance review meetings, to the staff member.

5.8.    When the PIP is developed, the staff member will be cautioned that should performance not improve in the agreed timeframe, the matter may result in the deferral or denial of an increment and may be dealt with under the procedures for disciplinary action for unsatisfactory performance defined in the Unsatisfactory Performance Procedure.

6. Performance planning and review of casual staff

6.1.    At the commencement of the casual employment, the casual staff member will enter into a performance arrangement as determined by their supervisor.

6.2.    The supervisor will ensure that the performance arrangement identifies indicators by which performance will be assessed over the course of the casual employment and any potential development needs that may be encouraged during the casual employment with the University.

6.3.    The casual staff member's supervisor will monitor the staff member's performance against the indicators set out in the performance arrangement during the course of the casual engagement.

6.4.    A supervisor may recognise and reward the outstanding performance of the casual staff member by further employment opportunities, training and career development opportunities, additional remuneration or other non-monetary rewards.

6.5.    A supervisor who has concerns about the performance of a casual staff member will discuss these with the casual staff member and may recommend that the casual staff member undertake training and development or, where the supervisor forms the view that the casual staff member's performance is unsatisfactory, may terminate the casual staff member's casual engagement.



The Executive Director, Human Resources is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this procedure and any associated guidelines.


The Director, People and Performance, Human Resources is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this procedure in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this procedure should be directed to the Implementation Officer.


This procedure is to be reviewed by 30 June 2015.


Version Approved By Approval Date Effective Date Sections Modified
1 Senior Vice-Principal 24 Aug 2012 24 Aug 2012 New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.
2 Executive Director, Human Resources 18 Mar 2013 18 Mar 2013 Document restructure - section 4 created and consequential renumbering.
3 Senior Vice-Principal 6 Jun 2013 6 Jun 2013 Update to section 1.5.
4 Vice-Principal Administration and Finance
on behalf of Senior Vice-Principal
22 May 2014 22 May 2014 Links to 'Guidelines for Consideration of Performance Relative to Opportunity' updated.