Property Policy (MPF1115)

Property Policy (MPF1115)

1. Objective

1.1. The objectives of this policy are to outline the University’s commitment to:

a) providing, maintaining and managing facilities for the benefit of the University;

b) ensuring the security and safety of all people attending all campuses as well as the security of University facilities; and

c) providing sufficient access to facilities to help members of the University community to fulfil their needs and obligations.

2. Scope

2.1. This policy applies across the University in relation to matters of:

a) provision of building facilities;

b) use of building space and grounds, including the hire of facilities and the provision of special-purpose facilities (such as car parking space)

c) the allocation and charging of University space; and

d) security of, and access to, all University premises, including premises leased by the University.

2.2. This policy does not apply in relation to access to University collections, which are covered under the University’s Collections Policy (MPF1309) and associated rules.

3. Authority

3.1. This policy is made under the University of Melbourne Act 2009 (Vic) and the Vice-Chancellor Regulation, and supports compliance with all relevant legislation including, among others, the:

a) Building Code of Australia;

b) Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth);

c) Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic);

d) Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic);

e) Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic);

f) Road Safety Act 1986 (Vic); and

g) Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (Vic).

4. Policy

4.1. The University is committed to designing, building and maintaining facilities to support the student experience, research activities and engagement in line with the University’s strategy.

4.2. The University is committed to managing building, car parking facilities and grounds in a manner that is in accordance with the University’s campus strategies established by Chancellery, the University’s Sustainability Charter and the University’s design standards.

4.3. University spaces are allocated for teaching, learning and research purposes, as well as other essential University purposes, including, among others:

a) student services and academic advice;

b) student and general administration;

c) student clubs, activities and societies;

d) sporting and other physical activities; and

e) engagement activities.

4.4. Space allocation supports University operations and efficient space use to optimise the University’s capital investments, operating costs and sustainability targets.

4.5. Some University space may be available for hire by internal or external organisations. The University may hire venues to external parties in order to, among other things:

a) advance or support scholarly discussion and debate;

b) support community activities;

c) make effective use of its building facilities; or

d) generate revenue.

4.6. The University may offer venues for hire subject to the terms and conditions of venue hire and/or commercial leasing, provided the University is satisfied that the use of the venue:

a) is lawful; and

b) does not pose an unacceptable risk to the University community, property or reputation as an institution of higher learning.

4.7. In assessing a potential hire of a venue, the University must consider the principles of the Freedom of Speech Policy (MPF1342).


4.8. The University endeavours to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable:

a) the personal safety and security of all students, staff, visitors and contributors at all University campuses and University controlled buildings; and

b) the safety and security of University facilities, resources and information.

4.9. The Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer appoints security personnel who are responsible for the safety of staff, students, contractors and visitors on University premises.

4.10. The University prohibits the possession, carriage and/or use of weapons on all campuses.

4.11. The University has processes in place to respond immediately and appropriately to potential threats to security and safety, including:

a) bomb and similar threats;

b) suspicious objects found on campus;

c) suspicious parcels or packages delivered by mail or hand; and

d) dangerous behaviour from any person on campus.


4.12. The University balances the need for students, researchers, staff and visitors to be able to access facilities in a full and useful manner, with the need to appropriately secure premises. To this end, the University imposes access restrictions on many of its facilities, based on:

a) the identity and role of the person desiring access;

b) the time at which access is required;

c) the function of the facility in question; and

d) any other relevant factor (including building and maintenance works).

5. Procedural principles


5.1. The University may establish and publish rules regarding car parking, security and access to property, and use of University space and facilities as approved and amended from time to time by the Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer.

Building supervision and maintenance

5.2. Business Services is responsible for the control and operation of University buildings, including all building supervision and maintenance.


5.3. All students, staff, visitors and contractors must assist University staff with physical security responsibilities at all times as directed.

5.4. Appropriate application of closed circuit television (CCTV) surveillance or similar systems is used across the University to enhance the safety and security of all people and property by:

a) discouraging and/or detecting unlawful and antisocial behaviour in and around University property;

b) managing traffic; and

c) assisting in access to controlled environments.

5.5. All security CCTV systems installed comply with the following:

a) all CCTV controls and recorders are located in a secure area.

b) access to CCTV controllers and recorders is limited to authorised user(s) and provided to law enforcement agencies as required by law.

5.6. The Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer ensures the development and enforcement of supporting processes applying to all security CCTV applications.

5.7. Security personnel duties include:

a) preventing and investigating crimes against the person (eg assaults, offensive behaviour, indecent exposure, trespass);

b) preventing and investigating property crimes (eg wilful damage, theft, burglary);

c) maintaining public order;

d) managing emergencies (eg fires, chemical spills, injury); and

e) ensuring staff, students and visitors comply with relevant government and University statutes, regulations, policies and processes while on University premises.

5.8. Authorised security officers:

a) regulate the access and behaviour of persons on University premises;

b) make enquiries and take reasonable action to regulate the access and behaviour of staff, students, visitors and members of the public while they are on University premises in order to maintain a safe and secure environment;

c) exercise the same powers of arrest as those available to any member of the public under the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic);

d) must prominently display their issued identity card or be able to produce it on demand at all times; and

e) do not have a general power to search a person’s body or property without that person’s consent, except where:

i. the search is a condition of entry to premises or to an event and appropriate signage is clearly displayed at the entrance notifying people that their persons or their bags may be the subject of a search;

ii. a screening device is used as a condition of entry and the device indicates that the person may be carrying a prohibited or hazardous item;

iii. it may be necessary to confiscate any weapons or items which may be used to cause harm to the person or to others.

5.9. All non-emergency security incidents which occur on campus must be reported to security personnel.

5.10. Security personnel must immediately notify security management when they become aware that a political protest or demonstration is planned or taking place.

Police and other emergency services on campus

5.11. Emergency services are permitted to enter University premises:

a) in response to a call for assistance from staff, students or a member of the public;

b) in an emergency situation;

c) to conduct routine patrols; and

d) as part of their commitment to community safety.

5.12. Security personnel must inform security management immediately if emergency services have been called to University premises. The Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer may inform the Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer, depending on the nature of the event.

5.13. Staff, students and members of the public should notify security of any emergencies where police are called.

5.14. The control room operator coordinates and expedites emergency services attendance at the emergency site.

5.15. The control room operator must ensure police are notified of any criminal incidents on campus, including those relating to the loss or damage of personal property.

5.16. Emergency services should enter University premises in relation to protest action or demonstrations only when requested to do so by the Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer.

5.17. Police may, from time to time, conduct specific operations on University premises. However, the police have undertaken to notify the University before any planned operations take place.

Access to controlled areas

5.18. Access control devices are issued to allow students and staff access to controlled areas of the University.

5.19. Staff are required to carry their University staff ID card.

5.20. All persons to whom an access control card has been issued must use the card only to enter areas of campus for which they are currently authorised. Access cards must be used only by the person to whom they have been issued.

5.21. Anyone possessing or using an access control card to enter University premises without authorisation will be subject to disciplinary actions from the University, or criminal charges where appropriate.

5.22. Staff wishing to work in University buildings and laboratories outside agreed hours should discuss this with their supervisor or head of department.

5.23. Security staff on duty may ask to see identification at any time. Security personnel must not provide access for those without University identification.

Responding to security threats

5.24. All security threats, including bomb and similar threats, weapons on campus and other suspicious objectives, involving the University are appropriately assessed and responded to in accordance with the relevant process.

Car parking

5.25. The University accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage to a vehicle while it is within University premises even if caused by the negligence of the University, its officers or agents. Parking is at the risk of the owner.

5.26. Permit parking facilities for University staff may be provided under specified conditions and in accordance with the car parking rules. A person who fails to abide by this policy and any associated car parking rules may have their permit withdrawn, if so authorised by the Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer (or delegate).

5.27. A person to whom a parking permit is issued is responsible for any breach of the rules or any damage caused by the vehicle which bears the parking permit – even if another person drove or parked the vehicle and caused a breach of the rules or the damage.

5.28. Parking facilities for the remainder of the University community is provided in accordance with the car parking rules and supporting processes.

5.29. A traffic officer authorised under the Road Safety Act 1986 (Vic) may issue a parking infringement notice requiring the driver or any other person responsible to pay a fine if any car parking rules are breached.

5.30. Divisions, departments or any University controlled entities are not permitted to use University or entity funds to pay for a parking infringement notice.

Space allocation and charging

5.31. The Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer is responsible for determining optimal allocation of space across the campuses, including allocation of vacant or impending vacant space.

Leasing or hiring facilities

5.32. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for all tenancies of the University.

5.33. Prior to a decision on a tenancy, or a hiring of facilities, the Chief Financial Officer must consult with the Chief Operating Officer if the tenancy, or the hiring, raises risk and/or harm concerns related to the principles of the Freedom of Speech Policy (MPF1342). In a case where an activity or event is believed to pose an unacceptable risk to the safety and wellbeing of students and staff and members of the University community, a final decision will be taken by the Vice-Chancellor or Provost.

Venue hire management

5.34. In addition to section 5.32 above, all venue hire is subject to the terms and conditions in the University’s venue hire agreement.

5.35. After allocating space for teaching, learning and research, the venue management unit will endeavour to allocate fixed venue bookings each year for the other core business activities outlined in section 4.3 in accordance with University policy and the requirements specified by the organisational unit with responsibility for the activity.

5.36. Venue hire charges are approved by the Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer, or nominee.

5.37. Academic divisions must follow the schedule of venue fees for guidance when setting fees for the use of their space.

5.38. Potential hirers should consult the schedule of venue fees for the list of charges, including late change and cancellation fees.

6. Roles and Responsibilities






Conditions and Limitations


Establish, and publish rules regarding:

- Car parking

- security and access to property

- use of University space and facilities


Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer


In accordance with this policy


Determine and approve Venue hire charges


Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer, or nominee




Set individual hire charges for facilities


Faculty Executive Directors


In accordance with the schedule of venue fees as amended from time to time


Withdraw parking permits


Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer


In accordance with this policy


Ensure development and enforcement of supporting processes applying to all security CCTV applications


Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer




Ensure security personal comply with this policy


Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer




Determine whether emergency services should enter University premises in relation to protest action or demonstration, and if so, request emergency services presence


Vice-Chancellor or Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer




Retrieve and account for keys and staff access cards issued to staff and students


Head of division


When a staff member or student leaves the department


Tenancies, or hiring of facilities, of the University

Consult with the Chief Operating Officer on concerns related to the Freedom of Speech Policy

Chief Financial Officer

In accordance with this policy


7. Definitions

Emergency services means police, fire and ambulance services. In certain circumstances, it includes other services that have a role or function under a plan to cope with emergencies and/or disasters as authorised by the Commonwealth or the State.

Law enforcement agency has the same meaning as that defined in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).

Weapon has the same meaning as that defined in the Firearms Act 1996 (Vic) and the Control of Weapons Act 1990 (Vic) as amended, and includes: firearm and imitation firearm, ammunition, spear gun, baton, knives (e.g. flick knife, knuckle knife, butterfly knife, hunting knife, dagger), sword, spear, crossbow, blow gun, catapult, knuckle duster, martial arts weaponry, and articles designed to discharge, such as capsicum, mace or similar.


Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer


Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Information Officer


This policy is to be reviewed by 31 January 2025.


Version Approved By Approval Date Effective Date Sections Modified
1 Senior Vice-Principal 27 July 2012 27 July 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.


No changes. Version 2 archived in error.

3 Senior Vice-Principal 15 November 2013 15 November 2013

Removed section 10 - 'Naming of University Property' and consequential renumbering of rest of document. 
Naming of University Property is now covered in the University Naming Policy and University Naming Procedure.

4 Vice-Chancellor 21 July 2016 21 July 2016

New version arising from the Policy Consolidation Project consolidating the Management of University Property Policy (MPF1115 v3) and supporting procedures - Operation of University Property Procedure (MPF1117), Security Procedure (MPF1118), Space Allocation, Management and Charging Procedure (MPF1119), University Freezer Management Procedure (MPF1243) and University Fleet Procedure (MPF1120) and the Venue Management Policy (MPF1167) and Venue Management Procedure (MPF1259).

5 Vice-Chancellor andVice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer 31 July 2019 1 August 2019

Changed Policy Approver to Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer (previously Vice-Chancellor).
Changed Policy Steward to Chief Property Officer.
Updated section 6 (Roles and Responsibilities) to reflect Chief Operating Officer portfolio changes.
Editorial amendments to correct minor errors or align with the University’s policy style guide.

6 Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer 5 December 2019 9 December 2019 Amendments to section 4.6, 4.7, 5.33 and 6 to include reference to the Freedom of Speech Policy (MPF1342).
7 Policy Officer 8 November 2021 8 November 2021 Amendment to the Supporting Processes links.
8 Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer 27 October 2021 8 November 2021 Amendments to sections 3, 5.32, 5.33 and 6. Amendment to Policy Steward.
9 Vice-President (Administration & Finance) and Chief Operating Officer 9 July 2024 9 July 2024

Change of Steward from Chief Financial Officer to Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer

10 Vice-President (Administration and Finance) and Chief Operating Officer 9 July 2024 9 July 2024

Change of Steward from Chief Financial Officer to Executive Director, Business Services and Chief Technology Officer. Note version 9 was incorrectly published.

11 Policy Officer 11 July 2024 12 July 2024

Link added to Camping Rules made under section 5.1 of this policy