Establishment and Award of Student Awards Policy (MPF1062)

  • Category: Student Management and Support
  • Version: 7
  • Document Type: Policy
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 28 April, 2021
  • Audience: Staff, Students, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 03 April, 2021
  • Review Date: 03 March, 2024
  • Policy Approver: Academic Board
  • Policy Steward: Academic Secretary
  • Supporting Process: Student Management and Support Processes

1. Objective

The objective of this policy is to establish the University’s commitment to, and basis for the establishment and awarding of student awards.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all student awards that are awarded, managed or maintained by the University of Melbourne.

3. Authority

This policy is made under the University of Melbourne Act 2009 (Vic), the University of Melbourne Statute, and supports compliance with the Gift Policy (MPF1348).

4. Policy

4.1. Student awards are bestowed on the basis of published criteria, for the purposes of:

(a) recognising and encouraging high academic achievement;

(b) supporting high-achieving students both financially and academically; and/or

(c) providing equitable access to education for all academically high-achieving students.

4.2. For each student award other than studentships, the Board must:

(a) approve eligibility and selection criteria;

(b) establish any conditions recipients must meet to remain eligible to continue receipt of the student award; and

(c) approve the selection panel and manner of their appointment.

4.3. Student award selection panels must: 

(a) be gender balanced wherever possible;

(b) be chaired by a University of Melbourne staff member;

(c) have more University members than external members, where external members are on the selection committee.

4.4. Eligibility and selection criteria and conditions for the bestowal of student awards may include anything approved for this purpose by the Board or, for studentships, the donor and/or funding body, subject to:

(a) endorsement, as required, by Legal and Risk; and

(b) that the University administers the award, including selection of the successful applicant, except where an agreement with an external body includes other agreed arrangements.

4.5. Unless otherwise specified in the terms of the student award, the Board approves the offer of student awards, in accordance with the terms of those awards, to particular applicants and the continuation of scholarship payments to current recipients.

4.6. In accordance with the Gift Policy, the administering body administers each student award according to the terms approved by the Board, under 4.2 or, for studentships, the donor and/or funding body.

4.7. The name of a student award that is approved by the Board will appear on the recipient’s academic transcript and the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS).

Quality assurance

4.8. In addition to any reporting requirement under the Gift Policy (MPF1348), the Board may request reports from student award selection committees to:

(a) monitor the distribution of student awards;

(b) ensure selection is in accordance with the stated selection and eligibility criteria; and/or

(c) to oversee equity and transparency of allocation.

5. Procedural Principles

Gift governance

5.1. Prior to submission to the relevant Board committee for approval of a student award proposal, or changes to an existing student award, the administering body must in accordance with the Gift Policy (MPF1348), consult with Legal and Risk to develop, or amend, a University gift governance record.

Approval of student awards

5.2. For all student awards other than studentships, the administering body must submit a proposal to the relevant Board committee in a form approved and published by the Academic Secretary.

5.3. Student award proposals, excluding studentships, are submitted to the relevant Board committee for consideration.

5.4. The committee considers the eligibility and selection criteria and the composition of the selection committee, and makes a recommendation to the Board on whether or not the proposal should be approved.

5.5. Following Board approval, the administering body establishes processes for offering, bestowing and administering the student award in accordance with the criteria and conditions of each student award approved by the Board.

5.6. Subject to section 5.1, any proposed changes to a student award must be resubmitted to the relevant Board committee for consideration and recommendation to the Board, in a form approved and published by the Academic Secretary.

Applications for and bestowal of student awards

5.7. Subject to the Gift Governance Record, the Gift Policy (MPF1348) and any criteria approved by the Board under this policy, the administering body:

(a) determines how applicants for each student award will be identified;

(b) advertises availability of student awards including application requirements;

(c) decides who will receive student awards;

(d) determines by when successful applicants must accept their student award (offer lapse date);

(e) notifies successful applicants in writing, including instructions for accepting the student award, arranging payment and offer lapse date; and

(f) bestows the student award when the successful candidate has accepted their offer as instructed prior to the offer lapse date.

Eligibility of student award recipients

5.8. Where student award recipients are required to meet certain conditions in order to be eligible for payment(s), the administering body must:

(a) publish the conditions for each student award online;

(b) ensure each recipient is eligible for payment before each payment is made;

(c) notify candidates in writing if they become ineligible to receive student award payments;

(d) where possible, recover any overpayments made to student award recipients; and

(e) determine if conditions can be varied or waived for a particular recipient, according to guidelines established for each student award.

5.9. To retain eligibility for student award payments, recipients must:

(a) provide payment details as required and ensure that these remain current for the duration of award payments;

(b) comply with any conditions associated with their student award; and

(c) notify the administering body of any planned or actual changes to their enrolment which will affect their student award payments.

Complaints and appeals

5.10. A student who is dissatisfied with a decision made under this policy may lodge a request for review of the decision in accordance with the Student Complaints and Grievances Policy (MPF1066).

5.11. A student who is dissatisfied with the outcome of the review may lodge an appeal in accordance with the Student Appeals Policy (MPF1323).

6. Roles and Responsibilities



Conditions and limitations

(a) Approve new awards, including externally funded awards

(b) Approve eligibility and selection criteria; and,

(c) Establish any conditions recipients must meet to remain eligible to continue receipt of the student award.

Academic Board

Does not apply to studentships.

Consider proposals for new or amended awards and make a recommendation to the Academic Board

Selection Procedures Committee or the Research Higher Degrees Committee

Does not apply to studentships.

Approve and publish the form for submission of student award proposals to the Academic Board and its committees Academic Secretary Must consult with the President and Legal and Risk

(a) publish the special conditions for each student award online;

(b) ensure each recipient is eligible for payment before each payment is made;

(c) notify candidates in writing if they become ineligible to receive student award payments;

(d) where possible, recover any overpayments made to student award recipients; and

(e) determine if conditions can be varied or waived for a particular recipient, according to guidelines established for each student award. 

(a) University Secretary or Head of Division or person nominated to act on their behalf

(b, c, d) Head of Division or awarding authority or person nominated to act


7. Definitions

“academic transcript” means a University-certified statement providing details of the studies for which the student has been enrolled at the University, including results, and summarising studies undertaken at other educational institutions that are recognised by the University for the purposes of the completion of University awards. Other student achievements, related to academic activity and certified by staff of the University, may also be included on the transcript.

“administering body” means the business unit that administers the student award.

“applicant” means a student or prospective student who has met the requirements to be considered for the bestowal of a student award or awards, including submission of an application where that is required.

“Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)” means a University-certified statement providing a description of the nature, level, context and status of a completed award course, including information about the University and the Australian higher education system. The AHEGS includes details of studies completed as part of the relevant award course, results and other student achievements in a similar form to the academic transcript.

“Board” means the Academic Board of the University of Melbourne

"bursary” means a student award, made on the basis of academic merit and recognised needs or circumstances of the applicant, providing a benefit to a student undertaking a specified course of study.  The benefit is usually financial and may include full or partial remission of fees; meeting costs associated with studying, such as the purchase of books or accommodation; or providing a living allowance or stipend.

“eligibility criteria” means conditions required for applicants to be considered for the bestowal of an award (e.g. must be an Australian citizen or international student).

“exhibition” means a student award made on the basis of prior academic performance that carries no condition for further study. The benefit is usually financial but may include a medal or certificate or some other form of recognition.

“faculty” means a faculty or a graduate school established as a faculty.

“gift governance record” means the same as defined under the Gift Policy (MPF1348).

“prize” means a student award made on the basis of prior academic performance that carries no condition for further study.  The benefit is usually financial but may include a medal or certificate or some other display of recognition.

“scholarship” means a student award, made in accordance with the provisions of the particular award, providing a benefit to a student undertaking a specified course of study.  The benefit is usually financial and may include full or partial remission of fees; meeting costs associated with studying, such as the purchase of books or accommodation; or providing a living allowance or stipend.

“selection criteria” means the bases on which to determine which of the eligible applicant will receive the award(s) (e.g. academic merit or financial need).

“student” in this policy means an enrolled student of the University in an award course or subject. It may also mean, where the student award allows, an alumnus of the University.

“student award” means any payment or benefit made on the basis of academic merit and any other criteria and includes scholarships, bursaries, prizes, exhibitions and studentships.

“studentship” means a student award funded through internal or external resources available to budget units and made on the basis of arrangement negotiated with the donor or the funding body, it excludes University trust funded awards.


Academic Board


Academic Secretary


This policy is to be reviewed by 31 March 2024.


Version Approved By Approval Date Effective Date Sections Modified
1 President, Academic Board 28 Sep 2012 28 Sep 2012 New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.
2 Academic Secretary 11 Jun 2014 11 Jun 2014 Related Documents section updated.
3 Academic Board 31 March 2016 31 March 2016 New version arising from the Policy Consolidation Project. Update title. Replaces the former Scholarships, Prizes and Student Awards Policy (MPF1062), Deans Honours List Procedure (MPF1063), Scholarships, Prizes and Student Awards Procedure (MPF1065), Undergraduate Course Medal Procedure (MPF1064) and Chancellor’s Scholars Program Procedure (MPF1256).
4 Policy & Education Coordinator 21 July 2016 21 July 2016 Add link to Student Management and Support category of processes in the Process Library.
5 President, Academic Board 22 July 2020 27 July 2020 Updates to align with the Gift Policy (MPF1348)
6 Policy Officer 23 April 2021 23 April 2021 Updates to implement policy referencing formatting, and amending references to 'Legal Services' to be 'Legal and Risk'. Amended reference to Student Appeals Policy to reflect name change.
7 Academic Board 28 April 2021 3 May 2021 Amendment to "bursary" definition.