Graduation Policy (MPF1055)

  • Category: Student Management and Support
  • Version: 7
  • Document Type: Policy
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 08 December, 2022
  • Audience: Staff, Students, Research, Academic
  • Effective Date: 22 December, 2022
  • Review Date: 22 December, 2025
  • Policy Approver: Council
  • Policy Steward: Executive Director, Student And Scholarly Services And Academic Registrar
  • Supporting Process:

    Student Management and Support Processes

1. Objective

1.1. The objectives of this policy are to:

a) define who is eligible for formal conferral of an award by University Council or authorised delegate;

b) define who is responsible for the management of graduation ceremonies; and

c) outline under what circumstances and how the award may be presented.

2. Scope

2.1. This policy applies to all awards courses at the University.

3. Authority

3.1. This policy is made under the University of Melbourne Act 2009 (Vic), the University of Melbourne Statute and the Council Regulation.

4. Policy

4.1. Every person who fulfils the requirements for completion of an award course is eligible for formal conferral of the award by University Council.

4.2. Students cannot have their degree conferred unless they have fulfilled all course requirements and their completion has been ratified.

4.3. The conferral of degrees takes place separately to the graduation ceremony and will occur on a rolling basis throughout the year. The University will automatically confer awards for bachelor or master degree students at the next available conferral date unless they request a deferral of their conferral by the stated deadline. Students may defer their conferral to a future approved conferral date up to a maximum of 12 months from their course completion.

4.4. The University will automatically confer awards for doctoral degree students who do not nominate an approved conferral date within twelve months of completion of their course.

4.5. The University will automatically confer awards for all Postgraduate/Graduate Diploma or Certificate Awards.

4.6. Students with outstanding fees, debts or fines are not eligible to have their degrees conferred until such sanctions have been cleared or paid.

4.7. In exceptional circumstances, the University, with approval from University Council, may choose to confer awards during a graduation ceremony.

4.8. The University will provide graduates with academic statements, including academic transcripts, Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements (AHEGS) and testamurs, at conferral. The University will make arrangements for either the postal dispatch of the testamur, or otherwise for collection.

4.9. Bachelor, master and doctoral degree students may attend a graduation ceremony after the conferral of their degree. Students must have received and responded to a ceremony invitation from the Graduations Office by the stated deadline in order to attend a graduation ceremony.

4.10. Students enrolled in Postgraduate/Graduate Diploma or Certificate courses offered by the Melbourne Business School or the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music have the option of attending a ceremony after their conferral has taken place.

4.11. Graduates have a maximum of 12 months to attend a ceremony from their conferral date.

4.12. Where a student has passed away before conferral of their award, but after completing all the requirements for the award, the award will be conferred posthumously, and presented or posted to a nominated representative of the deceased student’s estate.

5. Procedural principles

5.1. Council will authorise the conferral of awards and the scheduling and conduct of graduation ceremonies.

5.2. The specified forms of words included in the order of proceedings may not be amended without approval of the University Council.

5.3. The Academic Registrar will manage and coordinate all aspects of University graduation ceremonies authorised by Council and reserves the right to alter ceremony schedules as required.

6. Roles and responsibilities






Conditions and limitations


Authorise the conferral of awards and the scheduling and conduct of graduation ceremonies


University Council or President of Academic Board as authorised delegate


For President of Academic Board as authorised delegate: Limited to out of round conferrals outside of the approved rolling conferral dates


Approve the specified form of words included in the order of proceedings


University Council




Conferral of award


University Council or President of Academic Board as authorised delegate


Requirements for completion of an award course are fulfilled


For President of Academic Board as authorised delegate: Limited to out of round conferrals outside of the approved rolling conferral dates


Oversee all aspects of a graduation ceremony


Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)




Manage and coordinate all aspects of graduation ceremonies authorised by Council


Academic Registrar







Provision of Testamur


Associate Director, Student Support and Delivery



Provision of other Academic Statements

Associate Director, Student Services



7. Definitions

award means a degree, diploma or certificate approved by the Academic Board which may be conferred or granted by Council.

award course means a program of study formally approved/accredited by the University which leads to an academic award granted by the University.

conferral means the act of granting an award to a student after completion of their course requirements.

graduate means a person who has fulfilled the requirements for completion of an award course and has had their award conferred in accordance with this policy.

testamur means a document in the form of a certificate which is binding on and certified by the University, provided to the relevant graduating student on successful completion and conferral of an award at the University.




Executive Director, Student & Scholarly Services and Academic Registrar


This policy is to be reviewed by 22 December 2025.



Approved By

Approval Date

Effective Date

Sections Modified



26 February 2012

21 August 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.



5 December 2013

5 December 2013


Full review as part of formal review cycle. Update terminology.
Amendment to conferral rules – students who fail to respond are automatically conferred in absentia.



16 March 2016

21 July 2016

New version arising from the Policy Consolidation Project.


Policy Steward

10 October 2018

12 October 2018

Updated link at 5.2 - order of proceedings


University Secretary

24 May 2019

31 May 2019


Amended Policy Steward title.
Editorial amendments to correct minor errors or align with the University’s policy style guide.



19 June 2019

31 July 2019


Amended 4.4 and 4.9 - In absentia conferral of degrees to occur on a rolling basis.
Changed Policy Steward from "Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Deputy Provost" to "Executive Director, Student & Scholarly Services and Academic Registrar".



8 December 2022

22 December 2022

Full review as part of formal review cycle.

