Executive Education and Short Courses Policy (MPF1008)

  • Category: Student Management and Support
  • Version: 3
  • Document Type: Policy
  • Document Status: Published
  • Approved On: 16 October, 2019
  • Audience: Staff, Students, Academic
  • Effective Date: 28 October, 2019
  • Review Date: 19 July, 2021
  • Policy Approver: Provost
  • Policy Steward: Director, Students And Learning
  • Supporting Process: Student Management and Support Processes

1. Objective

The objectives of this policy are to:

(a)    outline the principles that guide the University in offering executive education and short courses; and

(b)    clarify the status of participants in executive education and short courses in the University. 

2. Scope

2.1.    This policy applies to all executive education and short courses offered by the University.

2.2.    This policy does not apply to award or non-award courses offered by the University.

3. Authority

This policy is made under the University of Melbourne Act 2009 (Vic) and the Vice-Chancellor Regulation.

4. Policy

4.1.    The University may offer a number of executive education and short courses, including educational or training activities, seminars and hobby courses.

4.2.    Executive education and short courses do not require Academic Board approval.

4.3.    Executive education and short courses do not attract credit towards University awards and participants do not receive an award of the University as recognition of completion. Academic divisions issue a statement of attendance/completion to participants on completion of the executive education or short course.

4.4.    Participants in executive education and short courses are not enrolled students of the University but are required to comply with all behavioural expectations of students.

4.5.    The University records and maintains records of participant details in line with University and government policy.

4.6.    The names of executive education and short courses must not be the same as any formally approved titles of University awards.

5. Procedural principles

5.1.    The dean of the academic division offering an executive education or short course is responsible for the development, approval and conduct of the program, including maintaining academic standards and quality assurance.

5.2.    Academic divisions maintain records of participants in accordance with the University Records Management Policy and Privacy Policy, including personal details, financial records, and attendance and assessment where relevant and required.

5.3.    Executive education and short courses are fee-paying. The level of fee is approved by the dean of the relevant academic division and published in promotional material, along with conditions on bookings, refunds or exchanges.

5.4.    Academic divisions are responsible for publicising their executive education and short courses. Promotional material and other documentation (eg registration form, information sheets, correspondence, statements of completion) must clearly indicate that:

(a) these activities are not award programs of the University;

(b) the activities are based in an academic division; and

(c) participants are not enrolled students of the University.

5.5.    Participants are subject to the conditions listed on the registration form and any further conditions approved by the academic division. The registration form must set out the University policies which participants are expected to comply with, and require participants to agree to such compliance, as part of the conditions.

5.6.    Participants have access only to the University services listed for the program in its published information, and included in the fee.

5.7.    Participants do not receive a student card.

5.8.    Statements of completion/attendance are issued by the academic division and should indicate key features of the course such as duration, assessment and summary of content. Where there is an assessment component, such results may also be included.

5.9.    The academic division is responsible for organising all assessment, where relevant.

5.10. The University crest may be used for executive education and short courses only in accordance with the Branding Policy. The University crest may appear only at the bottom of the statement of attendance/completion and in conjunction with the name of the academic division offering the program.

5.11. Participants who successfully complete executive education and short courses are not graduates of the University and are not eligible for membership of the University Alumni.

5.12. The academic division should advise participants of the need to retain copies of the statement of attendance/completion as duplicates may not be available from the academic division.

6. Roles and responsibilities



Conditions and limitations

Manage the development and administration of executive education and short courses including:

  • fee setting;
  • maintaining participant records;
  • promotion and advertising;
  • issuing certificates of completion;
  • quality assurance; and
  • ensuring registration forms contain required information on participation conditions.

Deans or their nominees


7. Definitions

Award course means a program of study which leads to an award of the University.

Executive education and short courses mean a hobby/interest, seminar, training or professional development activity offered by the University which does not lead to an award of the University and for which a statement of results (academic transcript) and a testamur are not issued.

Non-award course means a program of study that does not lead to an award of the University and comprises one or more subjects which:

(a) are from an award course at the University and are potentially able to be counted as credit towards an award course at the University by students who successfully complete them; or

(b) may be used to meet the entry requirements for an award course.




Director, Students and Learning


This policy is to be reviewed by 19 July 2021.



Approved By

Approval Date

Effective Date

Sections Modified



30 November 2011

21 August 2012

New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1.

2 Provost 19 July 2016 21 July 2016 New version arising from the Policy Consolidation Project. This policy and its supporting processes replace the former Non-Accredited Programs Policy (MPF1008) and Administration of Non-Accredited Programs Procedure (MPF1009)
3 Director, Students and Learning 16 October 2019 28 October 2019 Editorial amendment – update to Policy Steward title.